Election Day Tea Party Tracking Poll

Two days before the elections, the PJTV/Pulse Opinion Research Tea Party Tracking Poll asked 1,000 Likely Voters nationwide, “Overall, which party’s candidates have done a better job of campaigning for Congress during this election cycle — the Democrats or the Republicans?” Among Independents, who are less likely to lean towards one party or the other, and who are key swing voters, fully 50% say the Republican party did a better job, compared to just 14% who say the Democrat party did. Among Likely Voters overall, 46% select the Republican party in response to this question, compared to 30% who select the Democrat party.


The most important of the four regular tracking questions the Poll has asked, shows a statistically significant uptick this week. The percentage of Likely Voters nationwide who respond that they are Somewhat or Very Likely to vote for a candidate for Congress who has the support of the Tea Party movement, is at 53% this week, up from 48% last week. The comparable number this week is 57% among Independents; 19% among Democrats; and 78% among Republicans.

Respondents were also asked whether it was fitting for President Obama to say, “We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.” Fully 60% Strongly or Somewhat Agree this was not a fitting statement for an American president to make, including 47% who Strongly Agree.

The full topline report is available here. PJTV subscribers can also see the crosstabs here.

The Tea Party Tracking Poll is a PJTV survey. The telephone survey of 1000 Likely Voters was conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on October 31, 2010. Pulse Opinion Research, LLC is an independent public opinion research firm using automated polling methodology and procedures licensed from Rasmussen Reports, LLC.



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