The PJTV Weekly Tea Party Tracking Poll

Key trends are up again this week in the PJTV/Pulse Opinion Research Tea Party Tracking Poll. Likely Voters who consider themselves members of the Tea Party movement were up from 9% on August 1, to 17% last week; this week the number is 21%.


Interviewees who support the Tea Party movement are asked, “About your level of support for the Tea Party, have you publicly shown support for the Tea Party Movement by speaking openly about it or is your support for the Tea Party Movement a private matter?” The percentage saying their support of the movement is something they speak openly about has moved from 36% on August 1st, to 41% last week; in this week’s poll, the number is 44%.

In a topical question this week, interviewees were asked, “Over the next ten years, how optimistic are you that the country will deal with the US Federal debt and put the US economy on a good financial footing?” Overall, Likely Voters are cautiously optimistic, with just 51% of Likely Voters Very or Somewhat Optimistic about this. Looked at by party, 37% of Republicans, and 48% of Independents are Optimistic. Only Democrats foresee smooth sailing ahead, with 73% Very or Somewhat Optimistic.


The full topline report is available here, or by clicking on the screen shot above. PJTV subscribers can also see the crosstabs here.

The Tea Party Tracking Poll is a PJTV survey. The telephone survey of 1000 Likely Voters was conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on September 12, 2010. Pulse Opinion Research, LLC is an independent public opinion research firm using automated polling methodology and procedures licensed from Rasmussen Reports, LLC.


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