PJTV: Poll Shows Voters More Likely to Support Candidate with Tea Party Backing

Now in its fourth week, the PJTV/Pulse Opinion Research Tea Party Tracking Poll for the first time shows that a majority of Likely Voters (52%) say they are more likely to vote for a candidate for Congress who has the support of the Tea Party movement.  There has been an upward trend on this in the past weeks, rising from 47% to 52%. We will continue to track this to see if the trend continues.


In this week’s first topical question, interviewees were asked, “How concerned are you that, for current American workers, the American Dream could be destroyed by the US Federal Debt and US Federal spending?” The results were telling, with 79% of Likely Voters saying they are somewhat or very concerned, including 62% saying they are “Very Concerned.” This crosses party lines. Ninety-five percent of Republicans are somewhat or very concerned. The comparable number for Democrats is a clear majority, 57%, with 34% saying they are “Very Concerned.” And among independents, who are key swing voters in elections, the comparable figure is an overwhelming majority, 83%, with 62% “Very Concerned.”

The second topical question this week was similar, but with regard to students: “How concerned are you that, for current college and high school students, the American Dream could be destroyed by the US Federal Debt and US Federal spending?” The results were almost identical, with 58% of Likely Voters being “Very Concerned.” Again, the concern crosses party lines: 91% of Republicans, 54% of Democrats, and 79% of independents state that they are somewhat or very concerned about this.


The full topline report is available here. PJTV subscribers can also see the crosstabs here.

The Tea Party Tracking Poll is a PJTV survey. The telephone survey of 1000 Likely Voters was conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on August 22, 2010. Pulse Opinion Research, LLC is an independent public opinion research firm using automated polling methodology and procedures licensed from Rasmussen Reports, LLC.


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