PJTV: Poll Shows Likely Voters Still Support Tea Party

For the second week the PJTV/Pulse Opinion Research Tea Party Tracking Poll shows that 54% of US Likely Voters support the Tea Party movement.

Likely Voters who support the Tea Party movement were asked, “About your level of support for the Tea Party, have you publicly shown support for the Tea Party Movement by speaking openly about it or is your support for the Tea Party Movement a private matter?” Last week fully 52% stated that they support the movement privately only; this week the number is 53%.


The poll also looks at membership in the Tea Party. Last week 9% of Likely Voters self-identified as members of the Tea Party movement. This week the number is 6%. We will be continuing to track this over time.

The last of our four regular questions, asked each week, is whether the interviewee is likely to vote for a candidate for Congress who has the support of the Tea Party movement. Last week that number was 48%; this week it is 47%.

The Tea Party Tracking Poll also includes two topical questions each week. This week we asked interviewees about the Ground Zero Mosque, and about the Health Care Bill. The Poll found that 52% of Likely Voters would like to see the Health Care Bill repealed. And fully 58% oppose the Ground Zero Mosque.

The full topline report is available here. PJTV subscribers can also see the crosstabs here.


The Tea Party Tracking Poll is a PJTV survey. The telephone survey of 1000 Likely Voters was conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on August 8, 2010. Pulse Opinion Research, LLC is an independent public opinion research firm using automated polling methodology and procedures licensed from Rasmussen Reports, LLC.


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