Reality Check for Politico, and Media 'Scandalized' by Possible Trump Recess Appointments

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

President-elect Donald Trump proves he's learned a great deal from his 2016 win by telling the new Senate majority leader he may need to use recess appointments to install his change-making personnel right away. This is instead of having to wait for senators to get their acts together to advise and consent and giving Democrats time to stage their media information ops and #Resistance, which are currently gearing up. 


New Senate Majority Leader John Thune gave Trump the green light on recess appointments, but Sunday night, the Turtle, Mitch McConnell, the outgoing majority leader, reportedly told a gathering that there would be no recess appointments. That tidbit came from a disgraced New Yorker reporter, who put out the message on the X social media platform and quickly deleted it. 

Screenshots are forever, however. 

This news item came from the Dirty Dossier-promulgating Jane Mayer. She is, as the Federalist's Mollie Hemingway wryly noted, "The same Jane Mayer who has lied with wild abandon for decades about Clarence Thomas and who helped perpetrate the Kavanaugh rape hoax hysteria ALSO pushed the Russia collusion info op? Wow what are the odds? I'm so shocked."

The Wall Street Journal called Trump's request a "scheme" and "anti-constitutional." That's an odd turn of phrase for actions that are explicitly in the constitution under the—wait for it—"The Recess Appointment Clause" and "The Appointments Clause." 

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Other publications are attempting to depict possible recess appointments as out of order or irregular, purposely leaving the impression that they are dark and dangerous. They're not. Indeed, presidents have used recess appointments hundreds of times since the beginning of our country. 


In a 2017 report, The Congressional Research Service reported that in recent history, President Obama made 32 recess appointments, Bill Clinton made 139, and George W. Bush made 171. Almost all of Obama's recess appointments also won confirmation by the Senate during regular order. 

There's more to say about this arcana, including Obama's Supreme Court loss over recess appointments. That loss rested solely on the time period in which he tried to pack the National Labor Relations Board. Some of the Supreme Court justices' comments during oral arguments are worthy of writing about in another piece about these recess appointment bloviators for our VIPs. 

It's believed that Trump is keeping his options open by putting his fearless human wrecking ball, Matt Gaetz, into the top DOJ spot to start cleaning house. The WSJ calls Gaetz "regrettable." Sounds like a dreamboat to me. 

McConnell is taking incoming fire from Trump supporters who have a memory, such as Senator Rick Scott.

Indeed, Jeremy Bash, one of the 51 intel people who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop to interfere with the 2020 election, is back and is urging CIA agents and staff to #Resist Trump and, by the way, commit treason. 

We also remember how people in government "resisted" Trump and openly said as much on Twitter 1.0. 


The Office of Government Ethics trolled Trump 45. Other "resisters" set up Twitter accounts made up of current government employees to go after Trump. 

Clear-eyed people remember the number of times the head of the joint chiefs, General Mark Milley, acted to subvert his commander in chief by calling China to assure Xi that he'd drop a dime on Trump to them in case it was serious or nuclear in nature. Milley looked the other way and encouraged U.S. military and State Department personnel to ignore or slow roll troop reductions from Syria. And in his role under Biden, Milley allowed the Afghanistan bug-out debacle to occur when orderly plans of withdrawal, which had already been gamed out and available to use, were ignored. 

When you've seen for yourself these resist Trump efforts, these possible recess appointments don't seem like such a bad idea, now do they?


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