
5 Words From Fox News Interview That Reveal What a Complete Coward Kamala Is

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

In a hyperdrive news cycle where Elon Musk's astonishing Starship launch pad pitch-and-catch act is old news and Wednesday's Kamala Harris-Fox News interview is about ready to go down the news memory hole, let's pause for a moment to appreciate what a colossal coward Kamala Harris is. 

Presumably, she seated herself opposite Bret Baier to answer key questions about subjects half the country is concerned about, such as border criminals for example. Alas, she came for a soundbite and a photo op. Harris gave several non-answers and attempted to filibuster and run out the clock like always. 

Before Harris got there her team had already "whittled down" the interview, the Fox News host said. Instead of a 25-30 minute interview, her team said Kamala would be available only 20 minutes. 

Then Harris showed up 15 minutes late, which Baier said was already making it difficult for the control room to turn around the interview in time for the 6 pm Eastern show. She sat down, got mic'd up, and he began peppering her with a few questions he knew he'd have little time to ask. 

Then, as Vodkapundit noted, slightly more than 20 minutes later, just as she started getting cranky, Kamala's team invoked what he characterized as the Mercy Rule to get their girl out of there and out of Fox News.

How brave is the woman who wants to be the first female president of the United States.

I am woman, hear me roar. 

Obama's president, showed Joe the door

And I don't know much, except I love to spend

And they've heard my laugh before, 

And thought, girl, I thought you swore

Your man Doug won't hit a girl at Cannes again

Oh,  yes, I can smize, 

Yet it comes off as disdain, 

Sure Reid paid the price, 

Someday I'll own LinkedIn 

If I had to, I can do anything,

I am wrong, inconsequential, I am ...

Well, we don't really know what she is, actually

The Slate political reporter said the interview was what one would expect: "a classic Fox News dogpile." Alexander Samman said Baier's "subsequent 20-odd minutes were peppered with gotchas and interruptions." 

A "classic Fox News dogpile"? Against whom, exactly? When has that ever happened to Kamala Harris or any Democrat presidential candidate? Never that I can think of. 

And here's how I know what a coward she is. 

After four members of Team Kamala waved their arms to yank their presidential contender out of the interview cold turkey, Baier looked at her sheepishly and said, "I'm getting a hard wrap." She kept talking over him until she realized that she was being rescued. "Madam vice president, thank you for the time," he said respectfully. She said it back and then said, "It's good to meet you."

It's good to meet you?

She's never met him or anyone at Fox other than maybe Peter Doocy, who works at the White House. 

She never goes on Fox News. This is a coward who thinks so little of the people who watch stations like Fox News—you know, HALF THE COUNTRY—that she's never agreed to go on before and did it only out of desperation because her campaign has momentarily hit the rocks. 

She treats Fox News, and by extension us, like she did those people who shouted "Jesus is Lord" at her political abortion rally the other day. (Kamala told them to go down the hall to the smaller rally. Then she laughed and her abortion0loving audience whooped.)

Do you think for one minute that if she wins she'll ever go on Fox News again? Of course not. 

Her people said she'd gone to the lion's den with that interview. How many dens have Donald Trump and J.D. Vance been in? Too many to count -- that's how many. They're on a first-name basis with all the anchors and reporters because they have to go on those shows to defend their views and show their face to the other half of the country. 

Harris needs to be running balls out for the presidency but, save for one short Fox News interview, has remained before friendly audiences, sex podcasts, and meaningless tête-à-têtes with Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg.

That's not good prep for Putin. Just saying. 



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