West Coast, Messed Coast™: Just a 'Throuple' of Things About Our Election Ejection Edition

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It's been a hectic week along the West Coast, Messed Coast™ we've got an atmospheric river bearing down on the entire coastline, which brings more rain, plus, we'll get started on our Election Ejection issue starting this week. 


Earth, wind, and fire

It's a good news, bad news scenario. The good news is that this sustained rain in the atmospheric river will be great for snowpack in the mountains where cities generally get their drinking water. The snow's already falling in the Sierra. The bad news is that California hasn't built any new reservoirs to hold the rain, so we'll hear the groaning, rending of garments, and agonies about a drought in another eight months. 

Please place this news prediction in your phone's calendar for June 2025 and please vote for the person or party that will preserve water and allow forest brush cleaning to prevent wildfires, hence, keeping the air clean. 

Earth, wind, and fire. Pretty basic stuff.

Our Election Ejection recommendation is to EJECT, EJECT, EJECT any entity or candidate who doesn't have their eye on these basics. 

Mail-in ballots are just FINE

Except this dozen or so thrown down a storm drain in Arcadia, Calif.

Full of gas

Outgoing Gov. Jay Inslee promised to "lower the price of gas" for running vehicles and heating homes, costing Washingtonians "only pennies," by instituting a carbon rationing scheme. That was a big fat lie, which he knew because his own economist predicted an at least 40 cents a gallon increase in the price of gas. 

Within weeks of the first carbon auction the price of gas at the pump increased by as much as 50 cents a gallon on top of "I Did That!" Joe Biden's climate price increases. The price of everything went up dramatically because that "everything" comes by truck. 


Then came the chicanery. The state economist was then forced from the government. Then, the guy who wants to replace Inslee, Attorney General Bob Ferguson, ordered energy companies to hide the carbon tax line item from consumers' bills. Vote for his opponent, Dave Reichert, if only to keep this Ferguson hack out of office. 

The group called "Let's Go Washington" has proposed November's Initiative 2117 to repeal this abomination. 

It has so upset libs that this is on the ballot that this social media "fashion influencer" was caught on video removing a "Let's Go Washington" sign from a public space in Seattle. It didn't go well for her.

It sounds like the people running Washington are trying to out-dumb California.

Our Election Ejection recommendation is to EJECT, EJECT, EJECT all of those disastrous policies by voting yes on Let's Go Washington's initiatives: 

  • A yes on I-2066 would stop the natural gas ban. 
  • Yes on I-2109 would ban the capital gains income tax. 
  • A yes vote on I-2124 would give Washingtonians the ability to opt out of the long-term nursing care check jack. 
  • And a yes vote on I-2117 on the gas tax. 


It would be if Oregonians vote to give themselves "free" money for "equity." 

Socialist supporters of Universal Basic Income put this dumb Measure 118 on the ballot to "create a business tax to give every Oregonian a check for $1,600." But it would place what is tantamount to a VAT tax on companies making over $25 million in Oregon according to the No on 118 committee. 


Please tell me you're not dumb enough to fall for the siren's song of free money by "taxing rich corporations." They're not after corporations. They're after their customers. Ahem, that's you.

Oregon economist Bill Conerly explains how the measure is a Trojan Horse:

[I]n reality, it would add something like a sales tax, which would be passed on to consumers. Oregon has a corporate-income tax with a small minimum. Ballot measure 118 proposes to increase the minimum corporate tax to 3 percent of revenue: Corporations would be expected to pay whichever was greater, the minimum or the tax as computed with the current income-tax schedule. ...The state’s Legislative Revenue Office used a large economic model to estimate that prices would be pushed up by 1.3 percent.

Quick question: who pays business taxes? That's right, customers.

Our Election Ejection recommendation is to EJECT, EJECT, EJECT this stealth VAT tax and UBI contained in Measure 118.

Where's Trump? 

Our friends over at the Oregon Taxpayers Association are getting phone calls from concerned voters reporting that Donald Trump is not in the Official Oregon Voters Pamphlet. 

As he did during the primary election, he chose not to submit a voter statement for the pamphlet. 


They do note, however, that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's statement still remains in the pamphlet.

Trump is on the ballot. And so's RFK even though he asked to be taken off because of his support for Trump.

Reminder 💡

Oregon's Secretary of State admitted in September that the state continues to give voter registration documents to illegal aliens and that at least 1,259 were registered. Oopsie. SOS LaVonne Griffin-Valade says she's sorry. The governor, the unfortunately-named Tina Kotek, claims it will have "no impact" on the November election.

Our friends at the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) keep track of tied or close races and report that there were "635 tied elections and 173 elections decided by one vote."

PILF reports on a few of the notable tied or close elections so far in 2024:

  • California – 16th Congressional District Primary Ends in Tie 
  • Missouri – County Election Supervisor’s Wife’s Election Ends by One Vote 
  • Michigan – Wise Township Supervisor Race Ties and is Broken by Lawsuit 
  • Tennessee – Scott County School Board Race Tie Broken with Provisional Ballot 
  • Michigan – Vote Denial Incident Leads to Tied Township Treasurer Race 
  • Oklahoma – Sherriff’s Race Decided by Bucket Draw 

Every legal vote counts as much as every illegal one, Tina.

Just a throuple of things about Proposition 3

Be careful what you vote for. While California's constitutional amendment change contained in Measure 3 claims to be in favor of "marriage equality" — which the state already has — it would scrub the language that marriage is between a man and a woman. So, knowing California as we do, the future of marriage in crazy California is likely to turn into a free-for-all. 


Indeed, California Family Council and supporting legal organizations contend that by changing the language of the state constitution to a generic statement that "marriage is a fundamental right," it would cease to specify if first cousins could marry, underaged persons could marry, how many persons could be involved in a marriage, or if they have to be human beings.

San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener, the fringe gay blade from the Castro District, says Come now, would I ever back a constitutional amendment to erase traditional marriage? Lil' ol' me?

When the Wiener is against you, you know you're on the right side.

Our Election Ejection recommendation is to EJECT, EJECT, EJECT, and vote NO for Proposition 3. 

I'll have more Election Ejection recommendations in next week's West Coast, Messed Coast™ update. 


Denise writes: 

Hi Victoria, 

I’m a huge fan of your column on PJMedia. 

My brother submitted this idea to Policies for People. Seems like something folks at PJM would like. Please read it, and if you’re so inclined, vote for it, and share with others! 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸  

Thanks for all you do to keep people informed! 

Grace and peace, 



She sent me a link to the Policies for the People forum where we found her brother Gerard's idea. In short, Project 4444 would limit any and all bills before the U.S. Congress to 4,444 words, the length of the Constitution. 

Good idea. 

They haven't ruined everything yet

Next week we'll go over candidates in Election 2024. Until then, ignore the noise. Keep your head clear. Go outside and get grounded. Breathe deeply. Concentrate on the basics. Vote early.


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