UNHINGED: TDS Suffering 'Atlantic' Reporter Just Set Off a C-4 Charge on Godwin's Law

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With two and arguably three assassination attempts on Donald Trump from spun-up TDS-afflicted wackadoodle or Iranian assets, we thought the media had agreed to tamp down the crazy before the election. If they ever did, we missed the pause. And now a piece in "The Atlantic" has presented a story that should go down as the most buffoonish, caterwauling, dumbassery of recent political journalism. It gives dumb a bad name.


With Kamala Harris slightly behind in the swing-state polls, this—dare I say it?— misinformation is worse than ever.  I can hear JD Vance's rejoinder to Martha Raddatz ringing in my ears: "Do you hear yourself?"

Judging by a cover story, "The Atlantic," in an attempt to give their team an in-kind donation, Anne Applebaum and her teammates over at KamalaHQ, the Democrats, and the State Department will do or say anything to hurt Donald Trump. If you ever doubted it, here's your red-pill moment. 

The gasp-inducing headline on the main page of "The Atlantic's" website reads:

Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini

The former president has brought dehumanizing language into American presidential politics.

Anne Applebaum didn't just break Godwin's Law, she strapped a sheet of C-4 to it, backed up a truck load of ammonium nitrate to it, and set the charge.

I'd like to report a rhetorical drive-by bombing, officer. 

Gotta love that out-of-focus photo of Trump.

The story tells about how charged language can lead to bad things. Like, you know, when Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini roamed the earth during World War II and wanted to kill Jews like the Democrats do now. Like Trump did during his first term in Anne Applebaum's head.


But Applebaum goes beyond the rule of Godwin's law, a made-up law of the internet that reasons, "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches." And its corollary: "The first guy who brings up Hitler loses the argument."

This reporter, who should know better, also adds that Trump's destructive behavior is worse than even Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini—and worse than  Pol Pot and Mao. I had to look this up, but if you win a bet by placing five horses in order in horse racing, it's called a Super Yankee. What is it called when a "journalist" likens a politico who's never committed murder to five of the most murderous communist leaders who ever lived? 

That's apropos of nothing, I guess, just like Anne Applebaum's ENTIRE CRAZY STORY.  

This language isn’t merely ugly or repellant: These words belong to a particular tradition. Adolf Hitler used these kinds of terms often. In 1938, he praised his compatriots who had helped “cleanse Germany of all those parasites who drank at the well of the despair of the Fatherland and the People.” 

[...] Stalin used the same kind of language at about the same time. He called his opponents the “enemies of the people,” implying that they were not citizens and that they enjoyed no rights. 

[...] This kind of language was not limited to Europe. Mao Zedong also described his political opponents as “poisonous weeds.” Pol Pot spoke of “cleansing” hundreds of thousands of his compatriots so that Cambodia would be “purified.”

[...] In the 2024 campaign, that line has been crossed. Trump blurs the distinction between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants—the latter including his wife, his late ex-wife, the in-laws of his running mate, and many others.

[...] Trump is gambling—knowingly and cynically...


Get that cynical woman a martini, stat. She clearly needs a night off. 

Trump's talking about deporting these criminal aliens Kamala just let in over the past three and a half years. Instead of doing that, Anne Applebaum believes we should leave them to predate upon our people. 

This industriously sized pile-of-poo political take will be repeated and rewarded for the next crucial days up to the election, all in an effort to smear Trump. 

You know that on Monday, Mika and Joe, Joy Reid, and Donny Deutsch, who have already lost their ever-loving minds, will be on the air repeating this nuttery. Doubt me? Just this week:

  • Joy Reid told her viewers that black men who vote for Trump are fascists. 
  • Barack Obama told black men that if they vote for Trump, then they're not really down for the struggle or even really black. 
  • Kamala Harris offered black men free money (OPP) and copious weed to keep them pacified so they would fill in the bubble for her, the bubblehead. 

These "respected media members" will rinse and repeat this contemptuous, cynical, unhinged take until Election Day. 

At the risk of being overwrought, like some crazy lady reporter I know, we've apparently reached the nadir of political journalism.



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