West Coast, Messed Coast™ — The Left's Great License Plate Shortage of 2024

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It's time for the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report, where this week we'll take a look at a bizarre shortage in Washington State, a bumper crop of crooks in California, and free money for illegal aliens in Oregon. Wow! Let's get started. 


Did you get the number of that truck?

The emptying of the jails and prisons in the name of social justice since 2020 has drawn attention to the never-before-considered Mr. Murphy. It turns out he has laws. 

In Washington State, the left's unwise obsession with a fleeting political fad and adrenaline addiction-needs, loosed upon the populace criminals who should have been locked up all along. This is reflected in higher crime rates. See the item on the numbers nearby. 

But now to Mr. Murphy. Washington State has just reported that due to freeing so many prisoners since 2020, there's now a shortage of Washington State license plates. 

Stop laughing. 

In Washington, drivers have months-long waits to get new license plates. Endless paper temporary "plates" will be de rigeuer until the leftists who run that state step away from the crack pipes. 

The equipment to make license plates has been moved to the Big House to put murderers to work since the lesser offenders are now free to steal more cars and rob mom-and-pop stores. 

Related: You Don't Have to Wonder if Kamala Is an Authoritarian Jackboot, Just Look at Her Record

Things are so serious that if Kamala Harris were Attorney General of Washington, she would, as she did in California, keep people in prison longer to keep them working in the prison sweatshops. 


Maybe this is just a convenient excuse to adopt California's electronic license plates that put trackers on users' cars. Reviver, the company that produces these for California, Arizona, and Michigan, is eyeing users in Oregon, Washington, New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania, as well as for fleets in Texas.

Boeing strike

Boeing workers who belong to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers walked off the job on Friday, causing even more problems for the troubled company. 

The defense contractor and airline manufacturer has been on the ropes from air crashes and whistleblower complaints about overworking and under-managing those line workers, by the way. 

The new CEO and his team have offered the manufacturing workers a 25% raise over four years and a $3,000 bonus. 

Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™: You're Driving an Un-Woke 'Killing Machine'

A union spokesman complained to Seattle's Fox-13 TV that half of the bonus would be lost to taxes, so he considered the offer a joke. 

'Kick Me' machine is in full effect

Washington State hasn't learned its lesson. The woke Attorney General who ratified all of the 2020 nonsense is leading in the governor's poll. If he wins, Washington State can expect a lot more visits from Mr. Murphy. 

Oregon's new way to go broke! 


Oregon's Democrats have divulged a new plan to give "non-citizen" newcomers a $30,000 grant handout to use for house down payments. The program goes through an NGO called Hacienda Housing. 

It was advertised as exclusively for non-citizens. 

Other handouts gave $1,000 per month to younger homeless people and the state paid $30,000,000 to buy a hotel for an illegal alien "welcome center... airport hotel exclusively for migrants and non-citizens." 

After Oregon Catalyst revealed the giveaway exclusively to non-citizens, the government officials and NGO were suddenly reminded of this thing called the 14th Amendment and they claimed it was for everybody. 

Who knows? Oregon's new plan to pay for illegal aliens' housing may invite an entirely new clientele to the state filled with animal rights activists. 

How about that lady in Ohio who ate somebody's cat? You know, the story that David Muir and Kamala's sorority sister swore wasn't true? 

San Francisco backs up the Brinks truck... again


San Francisco says it's not handing out enough of your money. It's considering a plan to spend $61 million more on the "emergency" city swells created when they invited homeless people to set up camp in their city. 

They want to get the band back together and go back COVID emergency housing ordinances that cracked down on landlords who kicked out people who refused or couldn't pay rent. 

This won't end well. 

Extortion rackets are all the fad, kids!

San Diego's gang activity has seen a resurgence in Barrio Logan what with hot and cold illegal aliens coming over the border, prison gangsters being freed, and woke leadership on the ground.

Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™—Kommie Kamala's Border Disaster Edition

A few years back, a young woman wanted to set up a frutería, a fruit-based smoothie bar, in the Barrio Logan neighborhood of San Diego. But the locals, offended by an attempt by an outsider to set up a healthy store in their neighborhood, proclaimed the young woman the wrong color and drove her out of the neighborhood after she'd put her savings into sprucing up a cute storefront. 

Fast forward to today where Barrio Logan businesses are being shaken down for extortion protection money by the "Logan Red Steps” and “Logan 30th Street Gangs,” which "may be tied to a bigger organized crime in the jail and prison systems." Weird. Where have we heard this before? 


Fox 5 News reports:

Authorities said businesses in the area have been threatened by two gangs, who have intimidated the business owners into paying for “security” and “protection” plans. The cost for these plans had started at $200 a month, and could increase as the gangs took advantage of the business owners.

Authorities said if the business owners did not pay for the “protection” program, they would receive violent threats or have their businesses or buildings vandalized.

[...] “We have video of these guys operating, checking doors and windows, and these guys are armed,” San Diego Police Department Captain Manny Del Toro said. “This is the kind of thing that exists in old Mobster movies.” 

Del Toro says in his decades of service, he has never seen anything like this.

Old timers in San Diego have seen something like this before. Let's hope Captain Del Toro gets political support for doing what will be necessary to squash this problem. 

As for the frutería operator, you dodged a bullet, lady. 

Political won't

Gavin Newsom is gimping along and heard enough on the national campaign trail to understand that people don't think he's as great as he thinks he is. 

He's now paying attention to what he should have been paying attention to all along: the raging retail theft crime rate he and his Democrat buddies told us for years was not happening because the thieves just wanted to feed their children and needed reparations (see AOC).


Now, Newsom is supporting a plan to enhance sentences of his pet criminals — when or if they're ever caught — with a complicated "13-piece package of legislation." 

This legislation had been fronted for Newsom by Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria, a Merced Democrat, but she was run off the project when she received threats from local NGOs, activists, and criminals who didn't want the tougher-on-crime measures. She was replaced by Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, another Democrat from Salinas. 

Let's hope Californians are as tough on the criminals as they are on their elected dupes.

They haven't ruined everything yet.

Until next time here's a piece of advice: Bear spray works on many critters.


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