West Coast, Messed Coast™—Kommie Kamala's Border Disaster Edition

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report. This week, we're fresh off the Democratic National Convention, where Kommie Kamala was coronated and where we heard an acceptance speech with all the heft of bellybutton fluff. 


Kommie Kamala

Though she's been in the public eye for decades, Kamala Harris's public views are null and void for this election cycle, which is where her Obama advisor, David Plouffe, wants her to be. And why wouldn't he want to keep her radical beliefs out of the public view? Here's where she stood on the issues in the 2020 election, not so long ago.

A Media Research Center Poll reveals that 71-86% of Democrats and Independents who voted for Old Joe in 2020 have no idea what Kamala Harris stands for. Indeed, they're waking up on Friday morning to find they still don't have a clue what's in her head after she fell from the coconut tree at the DNC.

Regardless of where she stands, however, voters on the West Coast, Messed Coast™ voters know what they think. They're panicked about the economy and are angry about the borders that Harris and Joe Biden threw open in Southern California and Northern Washington State. 

Kamala's cheerleaders who blathered at the DNC about her being tough on the cartels when she was in local and state power are a joke considering what she and Joe Biden have done nationally. You'd think that someone with any experience with these killers would try to spare the rest of America from them, but you'd be wrong. The (mostly) Mexican drug cartels are responsible for the fentanyl on the streets that are killing young people. Because of their open-borders policy, Kamala and Joe are responsible for the cartels spreading into every major state of the union. They bring violence and death with them. 


Panga boats and jet skis bring illegal aliens around the border wall off Imperial Beach in San Diego County and all along the coastline. Who will stop them? Not Governor Gavin Newsom. 

Things are great in Kamala's hometown

PJ Media's Lincoln Brown reports that an Oakland mother of eight was murdered as she confronted dealers who'd been selling drugs and vape pens to her children. 

Lincoln writes:

It is worth noting that Gomez, the driver, was charged as an accessory and released with an ankle monitor.

Some will suggest that it was unwise, to say the least, for Ramos to approach a carload of suspected drug dealers, and they would be right. On the other hand, in a town like Oakland, what was she going to do? Call the police?

We wonder if those aren't some of the cartel members that Kamala was so tough on in her crime-fighting days. 

'Newsom's Humiliation'

Congressman Kevin Kiley (R-Calif.) can't help but snicker at Governor Hair Gel because he was kept off the speakers' roster and in the shadows at the DNC, where he once harbored ambitions of being the candidate. 

Kiley wrote on his blog:

Today is a humiliating day for Gavin Newsom. He thought it would be him accepting the nomination, but he isn’t even allowed on the Convention stage. California’s Lieutenant Governor gets to speak from the stage while Newsom is relegated to a few words from down on the Floor. 

This humiliation, of course, is very well-earned. We’ve paid an incalculable price for the constant posturing and self-promoting of his shadow presidential campaign. During COVID, 40 million Californians were at the mercy of whatever he thought would get him in the headlines.

Yet if Kamala were being honest, she’d give Newsom a primetime speaking slot. No one can better convey her goal of turning America into San Francisco. In fact, just two days ago, Newsom declared California a “national model” when it comes to (of all things) retail theft. 


This well-deserved lashing gets even worse. Read it if you dare. I just love Kiley. 

Hey, I know a guy

California barkeeps may want to hire the lobbyist who got a law passed that would benefit only one constituent: the owner of the bar at the Intuit Dome, which will host the LA Clippers. The bar inside the Dome will stay open until 4 A.M.

It's totally fine with fewer cops and more crime in Seattle

Even grizzled Seattleites are stunned over the latest affront to their sense of well-being in this Democrat-run town. 

A multiple felon, a 48-year-old mentally ill man, who was out looking for a car to steal, found 80-year-old dog-walker Ruth Dalton and made her his next carjacking victim.

She was in her car with a couple of dogs when the man confronted her with a knife and demanded her keys. Somehow, she was dragged by the car and died of her injuries. The d-bag stabbed one of the dogs to death. 

Neighbors heard the commotion, grabbed weapons, and came to her aid. 

People were so outraged by the senseless act that the Seattle Police held a news conference about it. 

Carjackings are up in Seattle since the 2020 social justice wave of we-hate-cops-but-love-criminals laws were passed. 


The man who helped make the crime problem worse, Democrat Attorney General Bob Ferguson, is now running for governor. He's running as a get-tough-on-crime guy now. 

I'm going to suggest something very unpopular now. The act was heinous, clearly. But was Seattle's collective outrage due to the death of this kindly 80-year-old lady or that another bad guy was free on the streets? Or were they outraged because the bad guy murdered a dog?  

Meanwhile in Portland 

This tourist found out that what they say about Portland is true. Stores aren't just locking down razors and higher-end items. In this store, everything was behind lock and key. Check out the jacks on the wine. 

They haven't ruined everything yet

Thank you, Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters. 

Thanks to the generosity of my niece, I got to travel to see one of the finest displays of rock-and-roll virtuosity by the Foo Fighters as they closed out their world tour in Seattle. I'd been wanting to see them for years. This was an epic, nearly three-hour set, preceded by an excellent one-hour performance by Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders.  

This is not a concert review, however. This is a thanks to the bands, which did not say one word about politics. Thank you for not making me hate you. 


And, yes, I had to walk around a lot of "code browns" to get to T-Mobile Park. Sigh. 

Until next week, here's a word of advice when walking in any major West Coast, Messed Coast™ city: Bring something to disinfect the bottoms of your shoes before you put one foot in your car or home. You're welcome! 


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