Notes From Progessive America: Mother Reportedly Gunned Down by Drug Dealers

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

When we contemplate the fate of the nation and the decision that will be made in November, we tend to think of inflation, illegal immigration, and foreign wars. All of those things are important, but one thing that is not being considered as the Democrats meet in Chicago is the impact that the decisions made by progressive governments have on the normal, everyday people in America. Yes, we are paying more for less; any trip to the grocery store will tell you that. But when someone is murdered in a city and state known for left-wing politics or by an illegal alien, it does not take long for us to be briefly outraged and then forget their name.


Those gathered at the DNC convention will likely never hear the name Maria Ramos. That is because the tragedy of her murder at the hands of suspected drug dealers does not fit the progressive narrative, particularly when it comes to the Left's approach, or lack thereof, to crime.

American Wire reports that on Aug. 7, Ramos, an LA native, was visiting her mother in the benighted city of Oakland. Oakland, as you know, is already about three steps away from being a post-apocalyptic hellscape, if that far.

Ramos, a 33-year-old mother of eight, was confronting three people who she suspected of selling marijuana vape pens to two of her children. Ramos' mother, Blanca Velasco, said, "Our plan was to tell them to stop." Ramos located the suspect's car, being driven by Isaiah Gomez, 19. During the confrontation, Velasco reportedly used pepper spray on the occupants. One of those occupants, age 16, allegedly got out of the car and shot Ramos. The suspects were apprehended within 12 hours of the murder.

Here is the report from KTVU:


It is worth noting that Gomez, the driver, was charged as an accessory and released with an ankle monitor.

Some will suggest that it was unwise, to say the least, for Ramos to approach a carload of suspected drug dealers, and they would be right. On the other hand, in a town like Oakland, what was she going to do? Call the police? True, the police sprang into action after there had been a murder, but a carload of guys driving around peddling drugs? I believe that is what passes for a Wednesday in Oakland. 

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American Wire also notes that the murder took place just a day after the Oakland Police Officers Association called for Democrat Mayor Sheng Thao to step down in the face of mounting crime. Thao took issue with the notion, stating, "It’s unfortunate that the POA is obviously playing politics. Right now, during this very sensitive time, we need to come together. We see that what we are working on in terms of the comprehensive approach for public safety is working.” 

Glenn Beck raised an interesting question on his show this morning. Is the hatred of Trump more important than rampant crime, foreign wars, inflation, illegal immigration, and the host of other issues facing the nation? To some, it is. If you want to see what the country will look like under a Harris-Walz administration, look no further than Oakland and the murder of Maria Ramos.



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