NOW They Tell Us: State-Run Media Admits Kamala Insiders Lied All Along About Joe's Dementia

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

We were right all along. They called us conspiracy theorists and "cheap fake" artists, but now the left's favorite member of the State Run Media™ admits that Kamala and the White House "inner circle" lied about Joe Biden's dementia-addled, sundowning decline. 


We know what you're thinking, so go ahead and insert your favorite profanity-laced reference to Sherlock Holmes here. Apparently, however, this news may come as a bolt out of the blue for the folks who regularly read State Run Media™ where "Democracy Dies in Darkness." 

Don't stop reading because this subterfuge gets worse, and you need to know. 

Perhaps unwittingly, which is more grace than the Washington Post deserves, the Democrat newspaper admits that what these "inner circle" folks did, of which Kamala is undoubtedly a part, is even worse than constantly lying about it.

A Post editorial earlier this week admits that Biden's "inner circle worked to conceal his decline" (emphasis added). That means there was a conspiracy to conceal the president's decline from the American people. Ruminate on that for a second. 

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We saw it ourselves; the brigade of people needed to walk around him from Marine One so no one could see his shuffling. The Easter Bunny led him off to stage left at the Easter egg roll. His wife put in more time as his public minder. She led him to the podium. Led him away from the podium. Jill Biden effusively told Joe what a great job he did answering "all the questions" at the debate that would portend his demise. 

White House folks had him change his shoes from wingtips to Skechers — we were told they were called "Air Bidens" — and anyone who pointed out that they were old man shoes were conspiracists of the highest order. 


A neurologist visited the White House ten times. We don't have records for who visited his Delaware mansions, so who knows how many other doctor's appointments he had? 

The admission by the Washington Post was included in a fawning editorial for the lying Kamala Harris. We don't need to read their lies about Kamala, but here's the full context of the quote about the conspiracy to hide his condition:

In retrospect, Mr. Biden should not have sought reelection. The June 27 debate was worse than just a bad night, as the president maintained afterward. The 81-year-old had showed signs of slipping for a long time, but his inner circle worked to conceal his decline. He and the country would have been better off if Mr. Biden had kept his implied promise from the 2020 campaign to be a “transitional” figure, perhaps by bowing out after the Democrats’ surprisingly good showing in the 2022 midterm elections.

Oh, now you tell us.

We only now know of President Wilson's, FDR's, and John F. Kennedy's physical maladies. The sickly Kennedy was constantly on doctor-ordered uppers and pain meds. We only know decades later because someone breached the media dam and told us what they had been hiding for their fellow travelers. 

How is it that I know all about President Trump's taxes, doctor's appointments, the inner workings of his company, and what his wife's closet looks like from the media and their wingmen at the FBI, but President Biden can take bribes from foreign powers and they say not a word. Hunter Biden's drugs and hookers are "conspiracy theories." Biden the younger can run a company with no apparent product and the State Run Media™ suddenly can't put two and two together when millions pour in to the Biden family. 


Kamala Harris has not issued details on policy, except for being in favor of price controls on America's food supply. 

Harris was elevated to her current position as a presidential candidate without earning one vote. How about some information how on the coup happened, WaPo? 

Please illuminate us about the fake headlines from news sites she put into ads on Google.

How about coming clean on the pathological liar she chose for vice president? 

Once again, I'm shamed by my profession. 

Oh, now they tell us. Are you tired of uttering that after reading a story that tells a kernel of the truth long after their lies have changed history? Me too. That's why we've got to stop being sops for these fakes and read with a more discerning eye. 

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