Famed Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Coins New Motto for Trump's New York Defense

AP Photo/Richard Drew, File

The Trump trial in New York has seen a meltdown by the judge, a "star" witness who predictably lied on the stand, a mattress actress who described in fanciful detail a likely apocryphal tryst with the TV star-turned-president, and now this goat rodeo has been branded. 


It's not just any slogan, no sir. Legal scholar and Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz may be one of only four people in America with the standing to pull this motto out on national TV and not get laughed at.

Dershowitz was in the Manhattan courtroom on Monday and was appalled at seeing in person the sloppy, one-sided, and outrageous conduct against former President Donald Trump. Furthermore, he wants the video of the trial, which he says the court has, to be preserved and seen "by every American... to see what this judge looked like when he shouted at [defense witness Bob] Costello... and strike this testimony... and not allow this defendant to put on a defense."

Those are sharp words from Dershowitz, who has been in some of America's most august courtrooms, congressional halls, and venues and done some serious backroom brawling in defense of his clients. But this, he said, is "one of the most unfair trials I have ever seen in the 60 years of practicing, teaching, and writing about criminal law. It's a scandal."

Related: Defense Rests in Trump Trial—Maybe Now DA Will Reveal What the Crime Is

He told Sean Hannity of Fox News that in this trial, Judge Juan Merchan expanded the use of irrelevant testimony by the prosecution and curtailed the use of exonerating evidence for Donald Trump. He claimed, as others do, that the judge has ignored Trump's Sixth Amendment rights.  


Dershowitz said that in the time he was in court on Monday, he personally witnessed multiple rulings and decisions by the judge that were reversible errors in Trump's case. He was the only spectator allowed to remain in the courtroom when the judge cleared it after he yelled at Costello. Maybe Judge Merchan thought Dershowitz was on the case.

Back in the day, America got a look at another judge in a deadly serious case against a beloved and ubiquitous TV star and sports figure, O.J. Simpson. Americans were riveted by the TV coverage of the retired NFL great's double murder trial. Dershowitz was part of Simpson's "dream team" of lawyers who won the sports star and actor an acquittal. 

He, Robert Shapiro, and DNA specialists Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, who founded The Innocence Project, are the only members of the defense team still alive. Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee Bailey, and the man who assembled them all, attorney Robert Kardashian, have all died. 

But you know the motto that Cochran coined during the closing arguments of the trial. One of O.J.'s bloody kid gloves was found at the scene of the murders. Police found the matching bloody glove behind O.J.'s house. They were bagged by evidence teams and stayed locked up for months in a police evidence locker. 


During the trial, a young prosecutor tried to pull off a dramatic courtroom moment when he asked O.J. to put his gnarled and arthritic hands inside the dried-out leather gloves. Not surprisingly, they didn't fit like a glove.

Related: Local Judge Says He Don't Need No Stinkin' Federal Elections Law Expert to Mess Up His Trump Lynching

Cochran seized on the moment and told the jury during closing arguments, "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit." They did. 

Now, one of the original dream team members has reworked the phrase to include his assessment of this Trump trial. Dershowitz told Hannity Tuesday night, "I have a motto for the defense: 'If it's not legit, you must acquit.' And this is not a legitimate trial, and there must be an acquittal... in the interest of all Americans." 

Like the O.J. case, DA Alvin Bragg may finally get down to the business of finding the real criminal in that Manhattan courtroom. All he'll need to do is look in the mirror.


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