We’re ready for the weekend on the West Coast, Messed Coast™, so bring your poop map and let’s roll up for the magical doom loop tour promoted by a San Francisco commissioner. It’s a sell-out!
It’s real and it’s happening Saturday, Aug. 26.
West Coast doom loop
The event is touted by an “SF Anonymous Insider” who provides a handy map of the walking tour and the rationale for it. The “card-carrying City Commissioner” says he’s an “urban policy professional” who oversees a “department with an annual budget over $500m.” But after years of “shouting into the opposite abyss” and his own “mental health crisis” for having dealt with these dopes, he offers the doom loop tour as a way to salve his wounds.
The pitch goes like this:
You’ve read the headlines, you’ve seen the Tweets, now get close and personal to the Doom and Squalor of downtown San Francisco!
How can a city with a $14.6 billion annual budget be a model of urban decay? How can it spend $776.8 million per year on police and have no rule of law to show for it? How can it spend $690 million on homeless services and receive an official United Nations condemnation for its treatment of the homeless (“cruel and inhuman”; “violation of multiple human rights”)?
The tour will start at City Hall, and continue through Mid-Market, the Tenderloin, and Union Square. We will view the open-air drug markets, the abandoned tech offices, the outposts of the non-profit industrial complex, and the deserted department stores.
Discover the policy choices that made America’s wealthiest city the nation’s innovative leader of housing crisis, addiction crisis, mental-health crisis, & unrepentant crime crisis.
The unidentified commissioner charges $30 for the tour with proceeds “donated to a non-profit that does not actively degrade its community.” Meet at city hall at 11 a.m.
Related: Portland’s Predictable Doom Loop
Why not bring a little levity to the problem that is eating up the City by the Bay?
Let’s make California San Francisco!
Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, has made cleaning up San Francisco his personal mission by becoming its shadow mayor.
The leader who has made California San Francisco and hopes to make America California might want to sit this one out.
They beat me to it!
Your humble West Coast, Messed Coast™ correspondent is envious of the San Francisco commissioner who proposed the doom loop tour. Several years ago, before the riots, I submitted an idea to host Portland Protest Tours (still looking for better ideas for the name) to the official tour poohbahs and was ignored. Maybe we’ll revisit the idea. BYOG: Bring your own (legally carried) gun.
The doom loop welcomes Portland to the fold!
Your humble correspondent reported that Portland, Ore., has joined the ranks of the doom loop cities. And why not? The same losing progressive wackadoodle thinking is in charge.
I wrote:
Because of the hard hand of the planner class, a corrupt system of regulatory capture, and the certitude of those who know better than we do how to run our lives, Portland leaders…went on blithely singing kumbaya and giddily handed the match to the activist left, which lit the Molotov cocktail that sparked the city’s self-immolation.
Now these leaders have regulated, locked down, and scared away a third of the downtown office buildings. When San Francisco hit this marker it was called a “doom loop.”
[…]“Referred to as ‘death lists’ among real estate professionals, the documents outline properties that are economically unsustainable,” according to The Real Deal. These buildings are troubled assets that are in danger of defaulting on loans and handing them over to the bank.
Due to the destruction of his city, Mayor Ted Wheeler, who defunded the Portland Police, won’t increase his own cops; he, like San Francisco’s shadow mayor, Gavin Newsom, is calling on more state troopers to help fix their blighted cities. Can more command-and-control cops be far behind?
West Coast, Messed Coast™ groomer schools map
Gavin Newsom’s California has so disaffected parents with his party’s commands that parents shall not be informed if their children are afflicted by gender confusion that the California Family Council’s Parents Rights Rally attracted what looks like thousands of people.
Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™… and then They Set the Looter Free
Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills called on parents to get on their knees and pray for California.
Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills calls those at Parents Right Rally to get on their knees to pray for the State of California pic.twitter.com/AyaeglNqFp
— CA Family Council (@CAFamily) August 21, 2023
California, of course, is all-in on schools encouraging kids to indulge their temporary fantasies about being the opposite sex but refuse to tell mom and dad that their kids are suffering from gender confusion. Reminder: the left condemned and dismissed talk therapy for the sexually confused as “conversion therapy” and every West Coast, Messed Coast™ state — Washington, Oregon, and California — forbid it. But they think nothing of literal medical conversion.

The group Parents Defending Education notes that nearly every school district in California hides students’ gender confusion from parents. There are 593 school districts that can’t give a kid an aspirin without parental permission but put the cone of silence over discussion, medical referrals, and identity changes at school. Eight districts in Oregon and 48 in Washington do the same.
The organization says more than 1,040 school districts in the nation hide this medical tragedy from their parents. Note that California makes up more than half the number.
Kids can’t talk either
Sure, they can tell teachers if they want to be named Chuck instead of Emma, but the kids can’t tell an audience at the public library — a government entity — that boys shouldn’t play in girls’ sports.
At a forum called the “Forum on Fair and Safe Sports for Girls” at the Mary L. Stephens Library in Davis, Calif., the library staff shut down a talk by a female athlete for “misgendering” a boy. Sophia Lorey was heckled by the audience and then asked to leave by one of the librarians.
California Public Library Silences Female Athlete pic.twitter.com/dHYaxBFlr1
— CA Family Council (@CAFamily) August 21, 2023
This is Gavin Newsom’s California.
See ya in court!
Whackadoodle Washington
Gov. Jay Inslee has been sued by 22 counties in Washington because he keeps letting out mentally deranged criminals from the jails and dumping them back on the street to do it again.
“Prosecutors from 22 Washington state counties have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) over the agency’s public policy decision to stop evaluating and treating mentally ill criminal defendants who have their charges dropped because they don’t understand the charges against them.”
Currently, defendants are waiting approximately seven months in jail to access a bed at Western State Hospital. State law and federal court orders call for a wait time of no longer than seven days.
Recommended: Here’s How Trump Beats the Georgia Indictment
Inslee is also responsible for letting out unfixable sexual predators and putting them in housing in neighborhoods with minimal security. What could possibly go wrong?
Oregon moves to outlaw meat
I’ll be writing more about this soon, but Oregon voters will be asked to outlaw meat on an upcoming ballot.
The ballot initiative proposes making a criminal offense “farming, ranching, trapping, pest control, research, and teaching” of animals. It also criminalizes hunting, fishing, and accidental killing of an animal. If you kill an animal an Oregonian could be charged with murder.
Oregon Ballot Initiative IP3, which claims its about being tougher on animal abuse, actually would making raising livestock illegal, stop pest control programs (i.e. rat abatement), and make fishing and hunting illegal statewide. pic.twitter.com/KwaXLyC1c4
— PDX Real (@PDXReal1) August 23, 2023
The ballot idea also “criminalizes breeding practices.”
If you think this can’t happen in Oregon, then I urge you to take a look at the imbecilic Measure 110, which legalized “personal” amounts of hard drugs and turned Portland into San Francisco. Portland’s doom loop tour should be starting in 3…2…1.
These are the same kind of people who protested President Trump and burned their cities for electing him, and are making him a martyr right now.
This travesty was enough to entice him to post on X, formerly known as Twitter, for the first time in years.
https://t.co/MlIKklPSJT pic.twitter.com/Mcbf2xozsY
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2023
Never underestimate the left. These people are capable of anything.
Until the next West Coast, Messed Coast™ update, you might want to take up Pastor Jack Hibbs’s invitation to get on your knees and pray.
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