Not all angels have wings. Actress Melissa Joan Hart and her husband, metal singer Mark Wilkerson, were headed to school for a student-teacher conference in Nashville last Monday when traffic stopped in front of them. “There [was] just a school of children coming through the woods” on the side of the highway. Though they didn’t know what was happening, they immediately did what many people would do. They helped.
Monday was the day that a woman took two semi-automatic rifles and a handgun to the Covenant Christian School and sprayed it with evil. One of Audrey Hale’s rifles was personally labeled with the word “Hellfire.”

Hale fired a number of rounds inside the Covenant Church/School building. She was armed with these 3 guns and significant ammunition.
— Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) March 28, 2023
Hale was a student years before at the school. At 28, however, she believed herself to be a transgender man and called herself Aiden. She stockpiled weapons and hid them from her parents, with whom she lived. The killer considered other targets to attack that day but settled on her old school because there was little security. Hale shot her way into the school and, before police brought their own hellfire on her, had killed three-nine-year-old children and three school employees. She left a written excuse for why she did it in her car in the school parking lot, according to police.
Hart and Wilkerson were driving to the parent-teacher conference at another school their attention was captured by the odd sight of a helicopter just hovering nearby. Then, Hart told NewsNation that a car in front of them suddenly came to an abrupt stop on the five-lane highway.
…I’ll never forget this image — a woman coming out of the woods onto this five-lane highway. There’s this calm expression on her face and yet she is so stoic — and all these little children start crossing the street. She stops the traffic and she gets the children and I get out of the car and I go and try to help her, lifting the children [who are] pushing past shrubbery, lifting them out of the woods, and one little kid says to me, “what’s going on?” and I told him “we’re just crossing the street right now.” And I was praying the child didn’t hear the fear in my voice because it’s all coming together what’s going on.
Hart said, she’d “never forget the look on that teacher’s face as she crosses the street and she doesn’t really look.” Hart realized later that the teacher figured “what’s ahead of her is less dangerous than what’s behind her. She just has to get her little babies to the other side.”
Wilkerson and Hart were stunned at the scene.
There was a helicopter, there are no cops around, there’s just a school of children coming through the woods. And we got them across the street as fast as we could. The teachers didn’t want to make eye contact — I think it’s because I think they were trying not to break down, they were trying to hold it together for these children and then I wasn’t really sure how to help.
The mother of three went to comfort the kids. “One of them was crying and I said, ‘you’re OK, you’re OK.’ And then another little girl said, ‘I like your pink shirt,’ and I said, ‘Well, I like your shirt too.'”
Another mom stopped to help. After the children were cleared, she told Hart, “I have children in there.” They immediately started praying. Soon, another mom joined them. As they prayed on the highway embankment, police descended. “[T]here were like two hundred police cars, police, cars, unmarked cars everywhere, sirens everywhere – like loud, it was deafening.”
Her husband “went to one of the cops and explained ‘this woman — her children are in there. What does she do?'” Wilkerson escorted the woman, who was pregnant, off the highway embankment, to drive her in her car to the fire station.
Hart said she “went back to our car, which was parked in the other direction, and as I’m sitting there wondering what’s going on?” Hart said, “it seems like it’s a shooter situation but I don’t want to put those words together yet. As I’m sitting there, four ambulances go by and I realize [she tears up] what is happening.”
Related: The Nashville Police Body Cam Video Will Make You Proud of Cops
Hart told NewsNation that she was that pregnant mom back in 2012. Their family lived in Sandy Hook, Conn. “Looking back on it… I was pregnant with our third child and I had two kids in school. And I’m that mom about a decade before and I felt for this woman.”
Hart’s husband said the mom had been reunited with her kids, but “to think that parents went home without their children [that] day it’s unfathomable. It’s just too much.”
In both of those cases, Nashville and Sandy Hook, the parents of the killers knew their children were mentally ill. Hale was undergoing some kind of treatment for emotional issues. She had suicidal ideations according to police. If she was undergoing professional treatment, her mental professional would have been required to report violent tendencies. She would not have been able to legally purchase guns.
Transtifas — transgender radicals — had just announced a national day of “vengeance” before the shooting. On March 29, two days after the shooting, trans radicals assaulted the Kentucky state house declaring that Hale was a victim, too. On March 30, transtifas took over the Tennessee statehouse, and on March 31, they came for the Florida capitol building.
On March 29, it was Kentucky. March 30, Tennessee. March 31, Florida. Left wingers breaking through doors, security, & police lines. But the national mainstream media isn't treating them as "insurrections." Why are these attacks & the 2020 Lafayette Sq riot OK?
From TN.
— John R Lott Jr. (@JohnRLottJr) April 1, 2023
Considering Hale’s mental state, which her Nashville area counselor should have reported, her gender dysphoria, and her ideations, she was likely unqualified to own guns. Her parents made her sell the gun they thought was her only one, but, as we know now, she had seven guns from five different stores and hid them in their home.
Hale was obviously mentally unstable. Anti-gun activists like to blame the tool, but if the Nashville killer hadn’t used a gun, she probably would have used something else to kill, the way mass murderers and pro-life center bombers had before her.
It’s not the gun; it’s the heart and head.
Thank God for angels like Hart and Wilkerson who used their hearts and heads for good.
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