Move Over Poop Map: Woke-Francisco May Need a Map to Keep Track of Where People Lean Out Car Windows Pointing Guns

(San Francisco Police Dept.)

If you thought home girl there wielding the AK47 out the car window was in some third-world hellhole, well, you’re almost right.

We’re now learning that this wild scene occurred – not on the streets of Cartagena or Tijuana, two dangerous, cartel havens – but on the streets of San Francisco in July.


The San Francisco Police Department, or what’s left of it, announced on Thursday that it had found the car from which the unidentified woman was wielding the gun. The discovery of the vehicle should give the police a bit more information.

It’s unclear at this point at whom she was pointing the gun or intending to scare.

Police revealed the photo and car recovery information on Wednesday via Twitter.

On 7/11/2021, During an illegal exhibition of speed event at Barneveld & McKinnon, a passenger leaned out of a Cadi holding an AK47; see photo. SFPD Traffic Company personnel worked up a case, and seized this particular vehicle today.
@SFPD @sfmta_muni @SFPDPerea

An “illegal exhibition of speed event” means that the person driving the vehicle was driving dangerously – not quite what you’d consider the most dangerous thing happening in that photo.


Shootings are up by 100% over this time last year and assaults are up by 58%. Shockingly, despite the outrageous mass-robbery rings forcing stores like Walgreens and others to close, police say robberies are down this year.

And guess what else is down this year? The police force is down by 400 officers after many retired and left for places that still observe the rule of law.

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After the photo exploded onto social media, some pointed out that police may also have misidentified the gun wielded by the masked woman.

This retired gunnery sergeant believes the gun isn’t an AK47 at all, but a short-barreled rifle (SBR), which, he noted, is “illegal af in California.”

The gun also shows a higher capacity magazine than the law allows in California – the state with the most draconian gun laws. Californians are limited to ten-round magazines. This appears to be a 30-round mag.

Once again, the case pointed out that criminals don’t follow gun laws.

“Thank god California has made owning these guns illegal so stuff like that never happens in San Francisco! Chicago should take note”


Woke-Francisco has called for defunding the police, so, naturally, people like this masked and eye-lashed criminal probably won’t have to go to jail, should she ever be found.

The City by the Bay is filled with hot-and-cold-running homeless people. The result is that San Francisco has its own “poop map,” which logs, so to speak, where the homeless deposit feces. Perhaps police should begin keeping track on a similar kind of map where crazy people waving guns are spotted on the streets of San Francisco so residents can avoid that, too.



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