Minneapolis Mayor Says 'Looting Unacceptable,' Then Allows Sacking of Police Station for 'Public Safety'

AP Photo/Jim Mone

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey says there was “imminent threat of danger,” which is why he allowed rioters to torch, sack, and loot the Third Precinct police station late Thursday night. For “public safety,” of course.


Frey has overseen the sacking of an entire section of Minneapolis near the police station. Rioters have caused hundreds of millions of dollars of damage by burningstealing, and vandalizing in the name of honoring the memory of George Floyd.

Floyd died in police custody last Sunday. Recordings show a police officer from the Third Precinct keeping his knee on Floyd’s neck even though Floyd begged him to stop because he couldn’t breathe. On Friday, the city announced that the officer had been arrested.

Since then, millions of dollars in property has been destroyed, burned, and looted by grief-stricken arsonists. The Target was stripped clean by “grieving” rioters.

It appears Frey took his riot tips from former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who, during the riots after heroin dealer Freddie Gray died in police custody, “gave those who wished to destroy space to do that.” She allowed millions of dollars of damage by vandals and looters. Her reputation was so damaged by her mishandling of the situation that she didn’t seek re-election.

“Unconfirmed reports” circulated by the city of Minneapolis last night suggested that the gas lines to the Third Precinct had been cut and that the building could become a bomb.


We’re hearing unconfirmed reports that gas lines to the Third Precinct have been cut and other explosive materials are in the building.

If you are near the building, for your safety, PLEASE RETREAT in the event the building explodes.

You’d think that the mayor would evacuate everyone for “public safety, period,” but oddly, he didn’t. He ordered the police officers out of the facility. Their vehicles were then attacked by rioters who were given an okay to sack the precinct.

Townhall’s Julio Rosas got video footage of looters inside what appears to be the cop shop’s lunchroom. He also got video when they breached the door to the precinct and cops responded with teargas


The concern for “public safety, period” was apparently reserved for the looters who would likely face police guns, aimed by police in self-defense, at some point during the attack those looters and rioters instigated.

The mayor told reporters at a middle-of-the-night presser, “What we have seen in the past several hours and the past several nights in terms of looting is unacceptable. Our communities cannot and will not tolerate it,” according to Bring Me the News.

He ordered police to stand down, to retreat from the Minneapolis cop shop and “sacrifice it” because

Fox 9 Minneapolis reports that before the attack on the police station, police had been standing down most of the day.

There was little in terms of police intervention but officers did return to the roof of the precinct building after moving off during mostly peaceful protests earlier in the day. Some officers also fired off flash bangs and tear gas in efforts to disperse the crowd.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the mere appearance of civilian men with guns stopped looting at several locations in Minneapolis. Nearly 200 businesses have been torched and looted by the grief-stricken mobsters.


One man told a reporter, “The cops are a lot less likely to try and tread on people’s rights when there are other armed Americans with them.” A second armed man guarding the stores said, “I figured that it’s about d— time some heavily armed rednecks stood with fellow citizens.”

You’d think there would be someone you could call to stop violence, looting, and arson in town.
Like the cops.


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