Transgender Surgery Scars Are 'Beautiful,' Jazz Jennings' Mom Says

New York City Pride Parade photo of Jazz Jennings by Steven Pisano. Creative Commons license.

Jazz Jennings, the 19-year-old boy who identifies as a girl and has been a transgender celebrity since 2007, shared a picture of his scars from transgender surgery on Tuesday. He took pride in what he called his “battle wounds.” His mother encouraged this mutilation of his body, saying his scars are “beautiful.”


“These are my scars on full display in 2019,” Jennings posted on Instagram. “I’m proud of my scars and love my body just the way it is. I call them my battle wounds because they signify the strength and perseverance it took to finally complete my transition.”

Jennings’ mother called his scars “beautiful.”

“My sweet girl, you are the strongest and bravest of all the souls I’ve even known and I’m blessed to be your mom,” she wrote in a comment on the Instagram post. “Your scars are just as beautiful as you the rest of you. I love you with all that I am. You make me proud everyday.”

Jennings was diagnosed with gender dysphoria (the persistent condition of identifying with the gender opposite one’s biological sex) at age four, and his parents started treating him as a girl in social settings at age five. His first public appearance came before he was ten — an interview with Barbara Walters in 2007. Then came a documentary in 2011, a book called I Am Jazz in 2014, a television show by the same name starting the following year, and another book in 2016.


In June 2018, he went under the knife for a surgery to remove his male genitalia, which was altered to create a synthetic female version. He chose the anniversary of the Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) same-sex marriage Supreme Court decision for the experimental surgery.

That October, however, he went public about the complication he experienced amid the surgery — a complication that required a second procedure.

“There was just an unfortunate event and setback where things did come apart, and there was a complication,” Jazz recalled during an interview with ABC News. “I had to come back in for another procedure, but it was just all part of the journey. The good thing though is that it was only cosmetic and external so it wasn’t too dramatic.”

Despite the complication, the transgender hero described his surgery as being “a dream.”

“This is a moment that I had always envisioned and just experiencing it was so surreal. I was like I can’t believe this is happening,” Jazz told ABC News. “I’ve gone through the whole medical process, and this is really the last thing that will validate my identity as a woman. There is nothing else after this. I just get to be myself, be in the body that I’ve always wanted. And then I can live my life as just Jazz.”


Tragically for him, this just isn’t true. Despite hormones and surgery to appear female and to “validate” his “identity as a woman,” Jazz Jennings is still male — down to the DNA of every cell in his body. He spent nine months in the womb getting pumped with testosterone, and his physiology will never ultimately be female. All of this has been done in pursuit of a lie.

It gets worse, however. Many women who once identified as men and had irreversible surgeries to force their bodies to conform to their identities have later realized their mistakes, warning others against such drastic actions.

Cari Stella and Carey Callahan shared their deep regret on YouTube. Black actress and singer Montreea Bailey spoke with PJ Media about her painful experience living as a man, and how the gospel of Jesus Christ brought her back from a false identity. Twenty-one-year-old Max Robinson (a woman who thought she was a man, altered her body, and later rediscovered her identity as a woman) decried “gender confirmation surgery” as “not a cure at all.”

Another woman who once identified as a man set up a network for detransitioners. Walt Heyer, a man who once identified as a woman, set up a website called He has spoken with hundreds of detransitioners who traced their transgender identity to abuse during childhood — best treated with psychotherapy to help them embrace their biological sex rather than experimental treatments to confirm mistaken identities.


James Shupe, a man who once identified as a woman and then became America’s first legally non-binary individual, reversed the historic non-binary court order and has spoken about the destruction he wrought on himself by taking excessive amounts of estrogen.

A 19-year-old man named Nathaniel once identified as a woman and had the same kind of genital surgery Jazz Jennings did, and he described the mutilation as a “Frankenstein hack job.”

Yet Jennings’ mother called the scars “beautiful.”

Those scars are not just a symbol of false hope, but a demonstration of the experimental nature of transgender surgery. Jazz Jennings received those scars not just because he wants to appear female but because the glorified plastic surgery he experienced is not entirely safe.

The medical establishment has rushed to embrace transgender identity, but endocrinologists like Michael Laidlaw have warned that so-called hormone “therapy” actually gives people a disease. If a man’s body or a woman’s body does not produce the right amount of sex hormones, that causes serious medical issues. Yet in the name of transgender identity, doctors are introducing a disease state in their patients.

I want Jazz Jennings to be happy and healthy, and I think the path he has taken is extremely destructive. His mother is doing him no favors by encouraging a false identity and celebrating the disastrous results of a dangerous surgical procedure as “beautiful.”


In fact, there is a strong case to be made that Jazz Jennings is the victim of child abuse.

Follow Tyler O’Neil, the author of this article, on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.


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