Peter Thiel Warns Against Google, Says Elizabeth Warren 'Most Dangerous' 2020 Dem

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

On Monday night, billionaire and Facebook board member Peter Thiel joined Fox News’s Tucker Carlson to warn about the national security risk that Google poses. He also suggested that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is the most dangerous candidate in the 2020 Democratic nomination race.


“Google is working with the Chinese communist government and not with the U.S. military so … what in the world is going on there?” Thiel asked Carlson. He mentioned what Google workers have described as the “Manhattan Project for AI,” warning that “I think this naturally would draw the attention of foreign intelligence agencies.”

Thiel warned that foreign spies, particularly Chinese spies, have likely already infiltrated Google.

At the National Conservative Conference earlier on Monday, Thiel accused Google of making “the seemingly treasonous decision to work with the Chinese military and not with the U.S. military.”

Yet Thiel also warned against another threat — a political one. When Tucker Carlson asked him which of the 2020 Democrats he found most impressive, he refused to answer the question. But he did name one candidate he thought poses the biggest threat.

“Well, I’m most scared by Elizabeth Warren. I think she’s the one who is actually talking about the economy, the thing that I think matters the most,” Thiel said. “I think almost all the others are equally unimpressive in that it’s all identity politics of one flavor or another.”


“I wouldn’t want to rank how unimpressive they are since that would be forcing me to rank the different identities and which one is more privileged and special,” the Facebook board member said. “I think Elizabeth Warren is the dangerous one.”

Warren has been rising in the Democratic primary polls, and she now ranks second behind Vice President Joe Biden (27.8 percent), tied with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at 15 percent in the RealClearPolitics average. She has called for breaking up Big Tech companies like Facebook and Google.

Follow Tyler O’Neil, the author of this article, on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.


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