Freed From Twitter Jail, Benghazi Hero Kris Paronto Thanks Trump Jr. For Powerful Obama Smackdown

Former Army Ranger, Kris “Tonto” Paronto speaks to a gathering, about his experience in the 2012 Benghazi attacks, during a campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Monday, Nov. 7, 2016, in Scranton, Pa. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

In his campaign speech on Friday, former president Barack Obama dismissed Republican “wild conspiracy theories, like those surrounding Benghazi.” Benghazi survivor Kris Paronto naturally took offense, and soon found himself suspended on Twitter. Donald Trump Jr. later joined in denouncing Obama’s remarks, earning thanks from Paronto.


After Obama’s attack on Benghazi “conspiracy theories,” the Benghazi survivor blasted the former president on Twitter.

“Benghazi is a conspiracy [Barack Obama]?! How bout we do this,let’s put your cowardly a** on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies&shoot rpg’s&Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for US support that you never sent,” Paronto tweeted, adding the hashtag “#scum.”

Meanwhile, Robert J. O’Neill, a member of the SEAL team responsible for the death of Osama bin Laden (and who claims to have fired the very shots that killed the terrorist leader), responded to another Obama attack. In his speech, Obama slammed President Donald Trump’s original response to the white nationalist riots in Charlottesville, mocking Trump by suggesting that Republicans are unable to condemn Nazis.

“How hard can that be, saying that Nazis are bad?” Obama asked.

O’Neill shot back, “Nazis are bad. Now try saying, ‘Radical Islam…'” This clever response played on the fact that Obama seemed utterly incapable of enunciating the term “radical Islamic terror.” Indeed, his FBI even altered the transcript of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s 9-1-1 call, changing “Allah” to “God.”


The Twitter account Secret Society Alumnus had the gall to respond to O’Neill, saying of Obama, “He kinda killed Osama Bin Laden, so….”

The idea that some leftist would lecture Robert O’Neill, a man who either directly shot Osama bin Laden or at least was part of the team that did so, about the very operation, giving credit to Obama, is utterly disgusting. Yes, Obama ordered the hit, but O’Neill, the very man “Secret Society Alumnus” was lecturing, carried it out.

Paronto could not restrain himself. “OMG??!! Did you just tell the guy who Shot Bin Laden that @BarackObama did it? BWAHAHAHA Thank you for verifying that BHussein Obama worship and TDS causes liberals to skip retard and go straight to potato,” he tweeted, adding the hashtags “#YouAreAnIdiot” and “#NeverGoFullRetard.” (In text preserved by the Daily Caller’s Virginia Kruta.)

At this point, Twitter leapt into action. The social media site forced Paronto to delete the tweet. He did so extremely reluctantly.

“After being in the [Twitter] penalty box for a few and having to delete the below tweet for offending the leftist hate group [Secret Society Alumnus] for their epic fail of telling Rob O’Neill that BHusseinObama killed UBL and not him I’m back up..sooo Twitter doesn’t censor ehh [Jack Dorsey]?” the Benghazi survivor tweeted, tagging the president of the company.


At this point, Twitter jumped into high gear.

“We have determined that you have violated the Twitter Rules, so we’ve temporarily limited some of your account features,” the company told Paronto, according to a screenshot. “While in this state, you can still browse Twitter, but you’re limited to only sending Direct Messages to your followers — no Tweets, Retweets, or likes. Your account will be restored to full functionality in: 11 hours and 49 minutes.”

Newsmax co-host John Cardillo shared the screenshot from Paronto, noting that anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Palestinian political party and terror outfit Hamas still have active accounts on Twitter, while Paronto’s account was suspended.

As for his part, “Secret Society Alumnus” swore he didn’t report Paronto’s tweet. “Well, I didn’t report it, I couldn’t care less and didn’t feel offended in any way,” he tweeted.

To be fair, Paronto did call him an “idiot” and a “retard,” suggesting his level of intelligence was comparable to that of a “potato.” Twitter’s rules forbid users from engaging “in the targeted harassment of someone,” suggesting that the “freedom of expression and open dialogue” are damaged by “behavior that harasses, intimidates, or uses fear to silence another user’s voice.”


That said, there certainly seems to be a double standard for liberals and conservatives on Twitter, and the social media giant may have considered Paronto’s attack on Obama in choosing to suspend his account.

Former TV host and retired Marine Corps veteran Montel Williams attacked Paronto in a since-deleted tweet. “This is what happens when you act like a pr*ck, son. You’re not being persecuted. Sit down, shut up and grow the f up,” Williams tweeted.

One Paronto was cleared for release out of Twitter jail, he responded, “Pr*ck??So did you just [get] suspended for your hateful comment?” Naturally, he proceeded to attack Williams as an “ignorant a**,” declaring, “I grew up a long time ago, long before your Messiah BHO left me and my team to die.”

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Tony Shaffer, a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research and a former counterintelligence officer, thanked Williams for his service, but shot back at the former TV host’s suggestion.

“Montel – I respect you more than others in the [resistance] because you actually served honorably in the Navy – with that said, you were never in combat and the issue [Kris Paronto] brought up is valid regarding credit – he was suspended because [Jack Dorsey] played favorites and is a pr*ck,” Shaffer tweeted.


To this, Karen Silvi responded, “He was suspended, to put it succinctly, because he’s a nut job.” Silvi’s response was not notable until Motel Williams decided to retweet it. Does this mean he thinks Paronto’s suspension had less to do with the Benghazi survivor’s offensive language and more to do with his conservative views? If so, that backs up Shaffer’s point, perfectly.

Paronto also used his newfound Twitter freedom to thank Donald Trump Jr., President Trump’s son, for his own Obama smackdown on Benghazi.

Trump Jr. responded to a tweet quoting Obama’s “conspiracy theory” attack. “He obviously misspoke… he clearly meant Benghazi was a Negligent Homicide with gross incompetence so that he & Hillary could attempt to create at least a single foreign policy win before her anointment. I mean who cares about a few great Americans if you can score pol points?” the president’s son tweeted.


When the State Department under Hillary Clinton blamed the Benghazi attacks on a video mocking Islamic founder Mohammed, it seemed a mere attempt to distract from the fact that Clinton and other officials did not respond to the cries for help from the Americans under attack in Benghazi.

Trump Jr.’s attack against Clinton for “gross incompetence” seems fitting, while this suggestion that Obama and Clinton attempted to score a “foreign policy win” by blaming the attack on the video seems rather odd.

That said, Paronto effusively thanked Trump Jr. for his response to Obama. “Thank[s], [Donald Trump Jr.] for clarifying BhusseinObama’s remarks ….. and thank you [Donald Trump] for raising a son who loves this great nation,” the Benghazi survivor tweeted, after mistakenly thanking President Trump for his son’s tweet.

Trump Jr. retweeted Paronto.

PJ Media has reached out to Twitter for a response as to why exactly Paronto was suspended. This article will be updated with any response Twitter gives.


Follow the author of this article on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.


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