Trump Accusers Explain Why They Aren’t Taking the President to Court

Rachel Crooks, left, Jessica Leeds, center, and Samantha Holvey attend a news conference, Monday, Dec. 11, 2017, in New York to discuss their accusations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

On Monday, three of the women accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault publicly called on Congress to investigate their allegations. Even so, they also explained why they decided not to bring the president to court.


“What am I going to sue him for? Being really creepy? That’s not something that would stand up in court,” Samantha Holvey, a former Miss North Carolina 2006 who accused Trump of entering a dressing room to peek at undressed contestants, said in a press conference.

Rachel Crooks, a former Bayrock Group receptionist who accused Trump of kissing her on the lips without her consent in 2005, agreed that the sixteen accusers intended to take their case to “the court of public opinion.”

“I don’t think the courts are the place to go,” added Jessica Leeds, who accused Trump of moving his hand up her skirt during a flight. In Leeds’ case, the event happened so long ago that a legal case is unimaginable — the statute of limitations has passed.

“I don’t even think a judge would enter into any sort of case in it,” Leeds added. “I don’t have any thoughts of going to the courts for this. We have to deal with the public.”

The women came forward once again in the wake of the #MeToo movement. Many women have accused various men of sexual assault, most notably Harvey Weinstein, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), and Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Trump re-endorsed Moore last week (following the sexual assault allegations), leading the Republican National Committee (RNC) to follow suit. Each of the women condemned the president for this.


“I think the endorsement is disgusting, absolutely disgusting,” Holvey said. “I don’t think he should have been elected to begin with.”

“He was able to just deny what we said and that got him elected just fine,” Holvey added. She said the Moore endorsement constituted Trump “passing the torch for Roy to do the same.”

Leeds flatly stated that Trump “doesn’t have any moral compass, so the accusations against Roy Moore, it puts him in the same category.” She said it is “horrifying” that America has “gotten so polarized through the politics that they want to keep a Republican seat even though it’s a pedophile.”

The woman added, “I think Trump will eventually be forced to quit, to resign — probably most likely because of financial matters in the [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller investigation.”

“I unfortunately feel that the sexual aggression issue is kind of low on the list of things wrong with Trump, but it’s important enough to me to bring this up and get some sort of change in our culture,” Leeds declared.

This statement should concern everyone. Leeds earlier noted that “in some areas of our society, people are being held accountable for unwanted behavior, but we are not holding our president accountable for who he is.”

Crooks described the accusation: “This was serial misconduct and perversion on the part of Mr. Trump. Unfortunately, this behavior isn’t rare in our society.”


“Mr. Trump dismissed his words in the Access Hollywood tape as ‘locker room talk,’ but having been the victim of such actions, I knew better,” Crooks added. “A person with this record would have entered the graveyard of political aspirations, never to return. Some things in fact do transcend politics.”

But if the sexual assault allegations are “kind of low on the list” of problems with Trump — as Leeds said — do they really “transcend politics”?

Worse, Leeds suggested “financial matters” in the Mueller investigation, likely based on Reuters and Bloomberg reports that Mueller’s investigation had subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for information on accounts relating to Trump and his family. The Wall Street Journal corrected those reports, noting that the subpoenas actually dealt with “people or entitites close to Mr. Trump.”

Leeds likely referenced a false news story in suggesting that Trump’s alleged Russia “collusion” was actually worse than the claims of sexual assault. Does this weaken her credibility?

The three women spoke at a press conference with Brave New Films, a studio that made a short video presentation of the sixteen women accusing Trump of sexual assault between February 2016 and January of this year.

Sixteen women have claimed Trump assaulted them, and Trump flatly denied the allegations, even threatening to sue the women involved. Two Democratic senators called for Trump’s resignation over the weekend, following Franken’s announcement he would resign.


A congressional investigation may be warranted, but the women seem to acknowledge they do not have a legal case against the president. Even Summer Zervos, the former “Apprentice” contestant and sexual assault accuser who is suing Trump, has taken him to court for defamation, not for sexual assault.

Click “Load More” to watch the accusers’ press conference.

Trump Accusers Speak Out – Demand Investigation

LIVE Press Conference: Trump Accusers Speak Out – Demand Investigation. Women share firsthand accounts of sexual misconduct by Donald Trump and demand an investigation by Congress.(stream via

Posted by Brave New Films on Monday, December 11, 2017


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