Rush Limbaugh Says Rubio Has What It Takes

Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh speaks during a secretive ceremony inducting him into the Hall of Famous Missourians on Monday, May 14, 2012, in the state Capitol in Jefferson City, Mo. (AP Photo/Julie Smith)

Rush Limbaugh stood by Florida Senator Marco Rubio on Monday, defending the senator’s thrice-repeated “memorized 25-second speech.” During Saturday’s GOP debate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie attacked Rubio for his canned responses, all of which centered around the theme that President Obama “knows what he’s doing” in his attempts to transform this country.


Let’s dispel, once and for all, this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country — to make America more like the rest of the world.

It was a great soundbite, and Rubio’s speechwriters knew it. The Florida senator repeated this quote, nearly verbatim, two more times throughout the debate, playing right into Christie’s hands. At one point, Christie cut him off, declaring, “There it is — the 25-second speech!”

Limbaugh defended Rubio’s point, however, and explained why governors like Christie find it such a threat. Republicans “inside the beltway,” the “establishment elites,” do not see that the country is in crisis, Limbaugh explained. “And, as such, they don’t see what Obama’s doing as anything except maybe a young, inexperienced — this is Christie’s point — incompetent boob.”

“Meanwhile, the governors! We’re the tough guys. We’ve had to make tough decisions,” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The governors will not admit who Obama is. The governors will not admit it, and Trump does not agree that Obama is purposely doing this, Trump thinks he’s a blithering incompetent. This is crucially important.


According to Limbaugh, President Obama is living proof that Governor Christie’s argument — that a senator lacks experience and cannot really lead and get his agenda accomplished — is false. Obama has fundamentally transformed this country, and a one-term senator like Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz could definitely do it as well.

At Hot Air, Allahpundit makes a great point, however. “If Rubio knew all along that Obama had bad intentions with his policies, why did he cooperate with him on anything,” like immigration reform and the intervention in Libya? A good question indeed.


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