It’s Election Day, and with it comes the phenomenon of joke voting: voting for a non-candidate less as a protest than as a social media fad. In response to the widely hated major party candidates, disgruntled Americans have played fun with the idea of voting for death and damnation.
“Why vote for the lesser evil?” runs the slogan of Cthulhu for America, a Twitter celebrity with 36,900 followers. The character comes from the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, and is a deity/telepath of destruction and damnation. Sweet Meteor O’Death (SMOD) is the Lovecraftian demon’s major competition, and it has 37,400 followers. “Just end it already,” is the common slogan for SMOD.
Here are seven joke candidates written onto actual ballots by Americans on Election Day. May the odds be ever in their favor!
1. Cthulhu.
As an official supporter of the Lovecraftian entity, I must start with Cthulhu. Here’s a vote for him for president.
Christopher Martin cast the first Kingsport ballot — for Cthulhu. #ElectionDay
— Cthulhu for America (@cthulhu4america) November 8, 2016
Here’s another.
Seriously, check out this cute kid telling you to vote Cthulhu.
Make it count @CHARM3R_STREAMS @cthulhu4america
— Sophia 💟 (@sophiaoswalt) November 8, 2016
Some went even further than voting for the deity, actually dressing up like it at the polls.
Get out there and vote for the greatest evil! #Cthulhu2016 @cthulhu4america
— Zombie Walker (@EPZombie51) November 7, 2016
Some editor at PJ Media voted for the telepath for school board.
I wrote in @cthulhu4america and #CUvFEC for school board! #ElectionDay #tcot #WhyVoteLesserEvil
— Tyler O'Neil (@Tyler2ONeil) November 8, 2016
Next Page: Just end it already!
2. Sweet Meteor O’Death.
While Cthulhu might be more personal, the meteor seems to have racked up more votes.
You better believe it@smod2016 #ElectionDay #ElectionNight #SMOD2016
— Simon Templar (@SimonTemplarPV) November 8, 2016
Swing low, sweet meteor…
🎤Swing Low, Sweet Meteor!🎤 @smod2016
— Chad (@chad__high) November 8, 2016
Here’s another vote. Just end it already!
I'm waiting.
— Tracy Mellody (@tracymellody33) November 8, 2016
Not enough room. Must abbreviate.
Welp.. here we go.. @DaveDgaiken @_D_Rock78 @smod2016
— tyler stevens (@UnkleFabio) November 8, 2016
And it wasn’t just president people voted S.M.O.D. for.
Next Page: The gentle gorilla who died too early.
3. Harambe.
This guy didn’t just vote S.M.O.D., he went for Harambe, too.
And this takes the cake — voting Harambe 17 times.
I love this twist on a popular Clinton slogan.

Facebook screenshot of man wearing an “I’m with Har…ambe” t-shirt mocking the Hillary Clinton slogan.
The gentle gorilla inspires voting fashion.
There is a woman wearing a "Dicks Out for Harambe" shirt while casting her ballot at the South Salt Lake voting location #utpol
— Shut up, Bryan! (@SchottHappens) November 8, 2016
Next Page: Remember that socialist from Vermont?
4. Bernie Sanders.
Some will never give up.
I pledged to vote for Bernie Sanders no matter what. I keep my word. #WriteInBernie #NeverHillaryOrTrump #LockHerUp
— 🦠🦠CraigProQuo ⁷ 🦠🦠 (@craigmart) October 30, 2016
Feel the Bern!
Yep, Bernie.
#HillaryEmails that the FBI didn't see = DEL
See pic for whom I'm voting for. In 1993 Bernie Sanders told us to vote for the best person.— Paul's Politics (@MrXtramean) October 29, 2016
Jill Stein is so offended.
Meanwhile, in New Jersey…
Ballot from New Jersey – yet another voter decides to write in Bernie Sanders!#WriteInBernieSanders#Election2016 #EarlyVoting
— Xavier Perez (@XPerezNY) October 29, 2016
Next Page: Et Cetera.
4. English singer/songwriter Harry Styles.
what a joke well done on wasting a potentially important vote. 👏👏👏
— 💫 (@gotdrunksonyou) November 8, 2016
5. Kylo Ren-Pikachu.
Strange choices this year! #Election2016 #President #voting #vote #Ballot #Harambe #Cecil #SMOD2016 #Kylo #Pikachu
— Jonathan Hansen (@jondahutt) October 23, 2016
6. Stone Cold Steve Austin.
From Broken Skull Ranch…
#MakeAmericaKickAssAgain obviously had to write in @steveaustinBSR
— Tom Prib (@BigTomPrib) November 8, 2016
7. Ken Bone.
Last, but not least, the energy question asker Ken Bone has won a write-in vote!
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