We Are All Michael Phelps: Olympic Swimmer's Face Launches Internet Sensation

Twitter Screenshot of Michael Phelps' face as it broke the Internet.

Just before his 200-meter butterfly heat on Monday, U.S. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps made a face that broke the Internet. Here is the face the world has turned into the latest meme:


When the swimmer launched #PhelpsFace, his dagger eyes were trained firmly on South African swimmer Chad le Clos, who beat Phelps in the 2012 Olympics by 0.05 in the 200-meter butterfly. This marked the first time in ten years that the most decorated Olympian in history lost the event on an international stage. Two years later, Phelps lamented that the event had slowed since his retirement. After le Clos posted a fast time, he goaded Phelps, saying: “So, he can keep quiet now.” Phelps — and his immortal face — took his revenge on Monday, defeating le Clos fair and square. Without further ado, here are 26 amazing #PhelpsFace memes, brought to you by the Internet. Enjoy!

1. When Elvis is mimicking YOU.


2. You have 10,000 spoons but all you need is a knife.

3. When your favorite Olympian is really an axe murderer.



4. Brought to you by: our student loan balance.

Next Page: Darth Phelps, Chick-Fil-A, and the only right response to the presidential election.

4. You do not know the POWER of the DARK SIDE.


5. Oh, Chick-Fil-A, how we love/hate you.

6. The only proper response to the presidential election.


7. Laser eyes.

8. When you have to race against a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.



9. When your casino gets robbed.

Next Page: Rare Pokémon, and Sith Lords.

10. Making #PhelpsFace in Pokémon Go.


11. The true tragedy.

12. The right response to “True Detective,” Season 2.


13. The real Anakin Skywalker.

14. AND Darth Sidious.


15. When the Olympics is really an “Assassin’s Creed” trailer.


Next Page: When people say, “Millennials are lazy.”

16. Take this, Millennial haters!


17. Grammar Nazis Unite!

18. On a horse!


19. Let the memes FLOW through you.

20. The North remembers both.


21. You already poured the cereal!

Next Page:

22. When your family orders your least favorite food — again.



23. And the alarm goes off.

24. That’s just rude!


25. Dumb password regulations!

26. And the week’s just getting started.



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