Disgruntled Bernie Supporters in Philly Tell Reporter They're Switching to Trump

(Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

Although Democrats did a pretty decent job of hiding dissension and making a show of “party unity” at the Democratic National Convention this week, the fact remains that there are plenty of young Bernie Sanders supporters who are not ready to make nice with the party.


The general consensus among politicos is that these supporters would either fall in line or stay home. While it is widely believed that disenchanted older Bernie Supporters could be swayed in favor of Trump because of trade issues and various other reasons, few have thought that their politically correct younger cohorts would be anything but “Never Trumpers.”

The conservative college news site Campus Reform had a reporter on the ground to interview protesting Sanders supporters in Philly this week. Cabot Phillips asked protesters whom they planned to vote for in the November election and some of their answers may surprise you. Phillips said that nearly every protester he spoke to announced they were leaving the Democrat Party. One assumes that many or most of these people will  switch their support to Green Party candidate Jill Stein, but in Philly, a surprising number said they’d vote for Trump.

“I’m throwing this race to Trump!” said one protester

“I was strong for Bernie, and now I’m taking a stand for Trump,” said another.

When asked why he would be voting for Donald Trump, one protester noted that, as he spent “time talking to Trump supporters, we agree on a lot of the major issues that we’re facing in this country. We’re both mad about the same things.”

Citing the anti-establishment nature of the Sanders and Trump campaigns, one protester pointed out that, “for some people, Bernie is the person they stuck with, but there are some anti-establishment things they want, and they’ll go with Trump.”


“If Bernie is not the Democratic nominee, then I will certainly leave the Democrat party,” one Sanders supporter said.

Another one complained that there “there’s nothing Democratic about this!”


Watch the video on the next page. 




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