DNC Black Caucus Chairwoman Admits Being Former Black Panther

First lady Michelle Obama is greeted by DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie Rollins, left, before speaking during the African American Caucus Meeting at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Of all the violent radical groups of the late ’60s and ’70s, perhaps the most notorious was the Black Panthers. The group was implicated in several crimes. Founder Huey Newton was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in the killing of Oakland police officer John Frey. The Black Panthers were committed to violence for political gain — a domestic terror organization.


This is why the admission by the Democratic National Committee Black Caucus Chairwoman Virgie Rollins, who was not aware she was being recorded, is so disturbing.

“I’m a former Black Panther and, when we talk about the movement, as a former Black Panther with Angela Davis and Kathleen Cleaver, it was important … to make people understand it was about the movement for us,” the Washington Examiner quotes Rollins as saying. “Educating us. We got out and we taught kids, we fed the hungry, and we clothed the naked.”

Watch for yourself:

Those are, of course, things the Black Panther Party did.

They also killed police officers.

Past involvement in a domestic terror organization — involvement that, to this day, is clearly a source of pride for Rollins — should be more than enough grounds for the DNC to fire her. It’s more than enough grounds for the Secret Service and FBI to investigate if Rollins should be working in government buildings.

Imagine if a key Republican operative was caught on tape admitting prior membership in a domestic terror organization. Imagine if a key Republican operative was caught on tape speaking with pride rather than shame about that past. The operative would be removed immediately, emergency congressional hearings on security screenings would be held, and the media would be urging parents to hug their kids and demand answers from Trump.


But Rollins is probably safe, because there are two sets of rules: one for progressives and one for everyone else.

Heck, let’s look at the media’s failure to vet — and continued love affair with — the Women’s March organization. Rollins could have been implicated in rabid anti-Semitism and promotion of Sharia law and had tortured and murdered a gay man and had been convicted of being a Palestinian terrorist and, for good measure, wished a happy birthday to an FBI Most Wanted terrorist cop-killer prison escapee and possibly treasonous seeker of asylum in Cuba.

And still, Rollins would be judged as useful to the progressive cause.


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