Kathy Griffin Blames Lisa Bloom for Train Wreck Press Conference

Comedian Kathy Griffin speaks along with her attorney Lisa Bloom during a news conference, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Los Angeles to discuss the backlash since Griffin released a photo and video of her displaying a likeness of President Donald Trump's severed head. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Kathy Griffin is back in the news. Following her gruesome anti-Trump video earlier this year, Griffin stood at a podium for perhaps the most bizarre press conference in recent memory. Now, Griffin is speaking out on what occurred — and she’s not pleased with her former attorney Lisa Bloom.


From RedState:

Kathy Griffin, the gravel-voiced comedian whose tasteless “Headless Trump” photo caused controversy earlier this year, publicly excoriated her former attorney — and daughter of Gloria Allred — Lisa Bloom Sunday.

It started with a tweet:

Later, Griffin gave an interview to the Daily Beast, in which she claimed Bloom:

  • Charged $40,000 for two days’ representation
  • Hired another attorney – who would bill Griffin separately – before ever meeting with her
  • Mishandled the June 2 press conference and made Griffin’s situation worse
  • Used Griffin’s press conference to pimp LisaBloom.com
  • Physically prevented (through her bodyguards) Griffin’s long-time personal attorney and her boyfriend from attending the presser
  • Provided inadequate security at the presser, at which a Gateway Pundit reporter approached Griffin and frightened her
  • Tried to force her to go on a joint media “victim” tour
  • Lied to her about media requests (claiming she couldn’t do interviews alone, that the networks were requiring Bloom to be on the air as well.)
  • Badgered Griffin and her boyfriend for weeks by phone after Griffin pulled the plug on a Good Morning America appearance and press tour.

Griffin also claims that Bloom tried to play the feminist card to pressure Griffin into siding with her strategy during a phone conference:

Bloom’s “strategy” was to parade Griffin — who was being investigated by the Secret Service — around the country doing joint media appearances, probably with LisaBloom.com swag everywhere. The only other person on the call who agreed with Bloom’s strategy was her husband/law firm manager. Gee, I wonder why? I disagree with Griffin on almost everything, but it would seem pretty obvious that after the press conference it was time to lay low and not add to the damage.

During the call, Griffin said Bloom “’became obviously extremely volatile. She’s too f***ing hotheaded to be an attorney. That’s the last thing you want in an attorney, and she and her husband were really badgering me’ about flying to New York and going on GMA.’”

The comedian believes Bloom represented her for selfish motives, and not to look out for Griffin’s best interests. Of the press conference, she says:

“I didn’t know I was going to her office, and that I would be under a f***ing banner that said ‘Lisabloom.com,’ and that she would hand me a coffee cup that said ‘Lisabloom.com.’ It was one of the worst days of my life.

“[Immediately after the press conference] Lisa’s husband was physically holding the door closed, so we were in there, and Lisa was outside doing interviews in the hallway fame-whoring which we didn’t know at the time.”


In other words, Griffin says Lisa Bloom was to blame for that train wreck of a press conference that did nothing to engender sympathy for Griffin.

Griffin’s assessment of Bloom as “fame-whoring” should be considered: Bloom was also the attorney of one Harvey Weinstein when allegations first surfaced. This was despite her long history of defending the accusers in sexual harassment cases, which turned up the heat to the point that Bloom dropped Weinstein as a client.

Now, Griffin is speaking out against what she terms “fake feminism” in Hollywood.

She’s right of course — Hollywood’s hypocrisy is pretty obvious. Weinstein got a pass for decades, and from everyone, apparently. The feminist men in Hollywood did nothing. The feminist women not only remained silent, but in some cases continued to work with the guy. We can all see the fake feminism in Hollywood.

Kind of like everything else fake about the town.


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