Nice work from Citizens United. More from David Bossie here.
For his part, Speaker Boehner has heard the outrage build as the details of last week’s deal has emerged. He’s using his blog to push back and clear things up.
MYTH: “The agreement really only cuts about $14 billion in spending. Most of the cuts are from non-discretionary spending, which doesn’t change the baseline.”
Discretionary spending cuts account for more than half of the nearly $45 billion in gross spending cuts that are made in the agreement. As previously noted, the agreement will chop an estimated $315 billion out of the federal budget over the next 10 years, setting the table for Chairman Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity budget, which cuts trillions. The notion that cuts in mandatory spending are not “real” cuts is a potentially lethal misconception for anyone to accept. Dramatic reductions in both discretionary and mandatory (“autopilot”) spending are essential to help reduce uncertainty in our economy and create a better environment for job growth, and the agreement makes historic cuts in both types of spending — just months after President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress called for zero cuts and claimed spending cuts would hurt the economy.
Read the whole thing.
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