Millennials Forced to Sign Pledge for Hillary Before Event

Would you sign a pledge of loyalty to a candidate as a condition of entering that candidate’s event?

Pittsburgh-Tribune Review reporter Selena Zito attended a campaign event for Hillary Clinton on Sunday in Cleveland, Ohio. She reported that the crowd was small and consisted mostly of millennials, many of whom expressed a desire to vote for Bernie Sanders or just to see her husband Bill Clinton.


Prior to entering, potential attendees had to complete a bizarre form declaring fealty to Hillary, and asking which supporting activities they would be willing to carry out for her campaign. Zito tweeted a picture of the form:

hillary pledge

During the event, Clinton gaffed when thanking the audience for their support “in 2008” — most of the students would have been young teenagers at the time.

Wrote Zito:

What it showed was a campaign staff that is underachieving at best or failing their candidate at worst, and a candidate trapped by that staff’s arrogance and her own insecurity as a campaigner.


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