Retired Geologist Predicted EPA Toxic Spill 1 Week Before It Happened

A prescient letter to the editor published on July 30 in the local paper in Silverton, Colorado, accurately predicted the environmental disaster the EPA caused only one week later.


The letter to the editor, published in The Silverton Standard and The Miner and authored by retired geologist Dave Taylor, predicted that EPA officials would pollute the Animas River on purpose in order to secure Superfund money. Taylor, who moved to the area to enjoy his retirement, warned residents that a “Superfund Blitzkrieg” was about to occur.

On Aug. 5, a small EPA work crew “accidentally” triggered a breach in an abandoned gold mine in the southwestern part of Colorado, releasing an estimated three million gallons of toxic, mustard-tinted sludge through a river system that spans New Mexico and Utah.

The wastewater from the Gold King Mine, north of Silverton, Colorado, contains zinc, iron, copper, lead and arsenic among other heavy metals and is reportedly still leaking 500 gallons per minute into the river.

Tayler wrote that thanks to the EPA’s fiddling at the mine, a 500 gallons per minute flow of contaminated water would find its way into the creek within 7 to 120 days. It took only seven days.


Via Gateway Pundit, who notes the EPA pushed for nearly 25 years to apply its Superfund program to the Gold King Mine.



The Gold King Mine spill is an environmental catastrophe that will have health effects for many years to come from heavy metals that are now in the water.

Exposure to high levels of these metals can cause an array of health problems from cancer to kidney disease to developmental problems in children.

The idea that this could have been caused on purpose is almost too awful to contemplate.

But if there’s anything the progressive goons in the Obama administration know how to do it’s force their radical agenda through one way or another.


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