Report: Obama Administration Tried but Failed to Recruit Taliban 5 to Work for the U.S. (Video)

The United States tried to recruit the five hardened jihadis known as the Taliban 5 to work for the United States following their release from Gitmo, Fox News is reporting. And apparently the plan failed miserably.


The five Taliban prisoners who were exchanged for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl were set to be released and free to travel on June 1st, but a last-minute deal between the Obama administration and Qatar kept the travel ban in place for the time being.

“There was an effort to recruit members of the Taliban 5 as assets to gather intelligence and influence their actions in the future once restrictions were lifted,” Catherine Herridge reported in a Fox exclusive. “The effort was described by a source familiar with this strategy as a – quote – ‘total failure’.”

Critics of the exchange say the living conditions of the hardened terrorists are “allowing them to reengage with their old terror networks.”

The Obama administration is undaunted, however. They have plans to release more Guantanamo prisoners later this month.



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