Progressive Caucus Urges 'No' Vote on Spending Bill

Strange bedfellows time.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus is pushing its nearly 70 Democrats to oppose a sweeping funding bill on Thursday because it rolls back a key aspect of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.

The liberal group’s whip operation blasted out an email earlier Thursday urging its members to reject the so-called cromnibus if a provision tucked into the massive bill — which helps big banks trade derivatives in units backstopped by a government guarantee — remained in the spending measure. Democrats see it as a way to undo protections intended to prevent financial crises like the 2008 crash.


We may disagree on the details of why we hate it, but this bill is truly a unifying force, providing things for conservatives and progressives to despise. The Boehner forces that occupy the squishy middle of Republican politics are used to shoving omnibus bills down everyone’s throats without much questioning. The previous speaker operated exactly the same.

That should tell you everything you need to know.

Perhaps some very public battles over spending bill trickery will help condition the American electorate to put a little more pressure on their representatives and make them less inclined to favor such legislation.

Yes, I still dream a lot.


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