Woman Who Threw Shoe At Hillary Getting Competency Evaluation

I say she’s fine.

A federal judge in Nevada has ordered a competency evaluation for a woman charged with throwing a shoe at former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during an April speaking appearance in Las Vegas, according to court papers released on Thursday.

Alison Michelle Ernst is accused of getting past security at an event at Las Vegas’ Mandalay Bay Hotel where Clinton was speaking and hurling a soccer shoe and several papers at Clinton from the audience.

A video of the incident posted on the website of CBS News shows Clinton ducking as a shoe flies over her head.

“Is that somebody throwing something at me? Is that part of Cirque de Soleil?” Clinton said. “Thank Goodness she didn’t play softball like I did.”


Softball, huh? You don’t say…

Anyway, back to the competency thing: I’m tired of its overuse. She got past security. Crazy people rarely get past breakfast in a functional manner. The fact that your crime was juvenile and stupid doesn’t make you crazy, it makes you an idiot. A criminal idiot.


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