Quinnipiac Poll: Only 1% Think Income Inequality Is A Priority

So there’s that

Naming “the top priority for President Obama and Congress in 2014,” 15 percent of voters say the economy, while 16 percent list jobs or unemployment, a total of 31 percent, while 18 percent list healthcare, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. A total of 10 percent list the budget, the budget deficit, spending or other budget-related items. Another 4 percent list bi-partisanship or cooperation and 2 percent list education.


Hanging around at one percent are income inequality and gun legislation.

There are a lot of numbers to look into here but what should stand out to the GOP candidates going forward is that people are still most worried about kitchen table issues like jobs and what happens if they get sick. The administration can scream “Obstructionists!” all it wants but they are the ones who are exacerbating both problems. Thanks to the horrid setup of UnicornCare, both issues spawn questions that begin with, “How can we afford…” for everyday Americans. Hopefully, the candidates won’t get distracted by the income inequality rhetoric, which is designed to do nothing but distract from the PPACA train wreck.


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