Can We Get A Cuccinelli Comeback In VA?

Seriously kids, do we really want one of the Clinton spawn becoming the chief executive of Virginia ahead of 2016?

True, it has been a bumpy ride thus far but (in best Al Michaels voice) do you believe in miracles?


The September to November road in an election is a long one on which many things can change (ask John McCain) so there isn’t any reason to punt just yet.

Cuccinelli is gaining some ground, having recently cut Terry McAuliffe’s lead in half.

That’s definitely the direction and acceleration one likes seeing on the September road.

The new site The Federalist has a good examination of Cuccinelli’s window of opportunity at the moment.

There is also some help from outside the campaign to explain just what a dirtbag McAuliffe is, which helps during the home stretch. One of their ad is at the end of this post.

So…it’s far from over but there is still a pretty big hill to climb. Again, do we want one of the more unsavory characters from the Bubba years in charge of Virginia?


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