Photo Caption Contest Winner: Do Obama and Putin Need A Relationship Coach?

betterThanks to all who entered our latest Photo Caption Contest. As expected, your captions took the chill off what many said resembled a Cold War-era photo. (Does this mean Hillary’s 2009 Russian relation’s  “reset-button”  is doin’ time in the gulag?)


Now here are all the Honorable Mentions:

RockThisTown (a Caption King) submitted several winners:

Neither is capable of running a country – but they did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

“Would you mind lobbing a few missiles over the Bering Strait just to scare Sarah Palin?”

“Vladimir, the funny thing is you’ll never own an NFL franchise!”  

(Editors Note: There is a Putin/NFL ring controversy if you are unaware.)

cfbleachers (our Caption King emeritus) had several honorable mentions:

“All I said was, I can remove freedoms and liberties faster than you can…and he got all huffy on me”

“He never listens to me anymore”  —  “And he only wants to talk about himself”

TLC….Tyrant Lovers Counseling session. They met on E-hegemony.

Putin on the Fritz.

The hammer and sicko.

One of these guys is a lifelong Communist, with a background of murky undercover work, intent on ruling his country as a dictator. ….The other guy is Putin

Special shout- out to LeighB who submitted a prophetic caption foreshadowing Obama’s teleprompter-free speech the next day in Berlin, which according to Chris Matthews, was “ruined by the sun.”  The caption was:

Waiting for the teleprompter to arrive…


JRSWINE submitted:

Putin: Whoever put me up on this stage just earned a one-way ticket to Yakutsk!

fortibus85 submitted:

The leaders of the two largest state-run media organizations in the world.

CraigZ submitted:

Store Security holding a couple of juveniles until their parents show up.

And the Grand Prize Winner is…. drumroll……

Zip Code, who along with these three honorable mentions….

Putin,— I would suggest Russian roulette for World domination, but your gun laws would put a stop to that.

I must be slipping, this is the first time someone is not kissing up to me.

Obama: I should not have asked him how the old lady was.

…also claimed the Grand Prize:

Obama, Now let me get this right, You will trade me your Super Bowl Ring for my Peace Prize!

Congratulations Zip Code on your first Grand Prize winning caption! (Cue applause machine.)

Thanks again to all who entered and see you in the gulag  next time a photo is worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest.





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