Announcing the Winner of 'President Obama Meets With Pirate in Oval Office' - Photo Caption Contest

As predicted, Tatler fans really did “out Drudge – Drudge” submitting hilarious and politically relevant captions for our “world famous” Tatler Photo Caption Contest.


For readers joining us late, here is a review of events leading up to this contest.

Earlier this week, the Drudge Report ran the above photo of President Obama having just a normal day and meeting with a pirate in the Oval Office. Drudge’s headline caption read:

But No Time For Netanyahu…

So I asked Tatler readers to “out Drudge – Drudge” with even better captions and for the record, they did a “heck of a job.”

Here are some of the best and the brightest.

Pirate to Obama: … and so pirate ships rely mainly on wind energy. Now how about that loan, Mr. President?”   Submitted by GDI

Pirate to Obama: “So, just how many leagues can a ship travel on one of those Volt batteries you keep talking about?”  Submitted by GDI

The President consulting with another “wealth redistribution” expert.  Submitted by Alan

“So, once ObamaCare goes into effect, your insurance company won’t be able to call that a pre-existing condition and will have to pay for your prosthesis.”   Submitted by FunJohnny

Now, here is a special “shout out” to Chris Henderson, a former Tatler Photo Contest winner who submitted this “treasure trove” of great captions.

“I’ve got a hook too…every time I play golf…which is a lot!”


 “I’m going to tax your buried treasure.”

 “I have a parrot too. It’s the media.”

And now the grand prize winner of the Tatler Photo Caption Contest is:

Well actually, there are three winners because my usual panel of VIP judges is out enjoying Friday “Happy Hour” and I alone can not decide which one of these is best. So Tatler readers, alive or dead, please vote now, early and often.  No photo ID is required.

Chris Henderson submitted these two:

“The pirate sector is doing fine.”    

“Your buried treasure is more shovel ready than any job I’ve created.”

And Lammergeier submitted:  “You didn’t pillage that.”

Now you understand why declaring only one winner is so challenging!

Thanks to everyone who played along. We look forward to hearing from you next time there is a photo worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest.

And with the way things are going on the campaign trail right now, I fully expect another contest any day.



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