DOJ Inspector General to Testify on Fast and Furious

According to a release tweeted out by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on September 11, 2012. The DoJ IG will testify on the deadly Fast and Furious scandal.


“For a year and a half, Attorney General Eric Holder has cited the ongoing Inspector General investigation as his reason for declining to hold those responsible for reckless conduct in Operation Fast and Furious to account.  Next week, this excuse for delaying action ends,” said Chairman Darrell Issa.  “Although I am concerned that the Justice Department has not given the Inspector General full and unfettered access to all relevant information, Inspector General Horowitz’s report and testimony should add to the understanding of the operation and numerous related management failures at the Department.”

The testimony is set to begin at 9:30 am next Tuesday.


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