Obama Camp Vows 'Not to Stand By' While Romney 'Slices and Dices'

The Obama campaign vowed today that it they are “not going to stand by while Mitt Romney slices and dices and deliberately takes out of context the president’s remarks on businesses.”


Campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki, meeting with reporters along with White House press secretary Jay Carney aboard Air Force One, said President Obama “believes in the creativity and the hard work and the ingenuity of the American people, entrepreneurs and small business owners.”

“And he also believes that there are — if you ask any business owner, there’s a lot we can do to help them, including making sure roads and rails and runways are running and they can ship their goods; including making sure workers are trained and prepared and qualified to be hired,” Psaki continued. “And as he mentioned last night and you’ll hear him say again today, Mitt Romney doesn’t exactly have a sterling record on these issues.”

Obama continued his campaign-packed week with a visit to the Pacific Northwest today, and flies from Seattle to Louisiana tomorrow morning for campaign events and a speech to the National Urban League.


Psaki defended the enthusiastic rally Obama held in Oakland last night even after the campaign pulled another rally in Portland in favor of a more somber campaign tone in the days after the Aurora shootings.

“There isn’t a playbook for this,” she said. “I will remind you that yesterday, prior to the president speaking last night, Mitt Romney held an event with small business owners where he distorted and ripped apart the president’s record. And that was — we’re not going to stand by and allow that to happen.”


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