Freshman GOP Rep. Marino to Have Kidney Tumors Removed

The office of Rep. Tom Marino (R-Pa.) announced today that the congressman will be undergoing surgery on Monday to remove small tumors located on his kidney.

Marino, a former U.S. attorney, was part of the 2010 midterm rout that saw the GOP take the House gavel from the Democrats, defeating incumbent Rep. Chris Carney (D).


Marino, 59, will undergo the operation at the Cleveland Clinic, followed by what his office said will be a brief recovery period and then resumption of a full schedule.

“Since being sworn in to office in 2011, Tom has made constituent service and outreach a top priority and our staff will work tirelessly to honor that commitment while he recuperates,” said chief of staff Bill Tighe.

Our best wishes to Marino for a speedy recovery.


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