Poll: Scott Walker will Defeat Recall Effort

Rasmussen says that WI Gov. Scott Walker enjoys majority support and will defeat the Big Labor/Democrat effort to recall him for the crime of fulfilling his campaign promises and restoring fiscal sanity to the state.


Most Wisconsin voters approve of the job embattled Governor Scott Walker is doing and oppose the effort to recall him from office before the next election.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 52% of Likely Wisconsin Voters at least somewhat approve of Walker’s job performance to date, while 46% at least somewhat disapprove. These findings include 40% who Strongly Approve of how the Republican governor is doing and just as many (40%) who Strongly Disapprove. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Overall, 54% oppose the recall effort. The left has become so desperate to oust Walker that it has taken to smearing volunteers who are auditing the recall petitions to determine how many of the signatures on them are legit.

If Big Labor fails in Wisconsin, the cradle of the labor movement, it’s Waterloo time.


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