Quote of the Week About Eric Holder's Racialism

Quin Hillyer over at the Center for Individual Freedom has the quote of the week about Attorney General Eric Holder.

For Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, to play the race card is about as surprising as for Charlie Sheen to go on a bender. Weak people have ugly habits. . . .

Nobody could legitimately complain about any of that, of course. Not in Holder’s world. But we forced him to do all those things specifically so the ensuing controversies would act as a dog whistle for all the closet racists who inhabit American flyover country. We’re just diabolical that way.

Maybe we should cry “uncle” and admit it: Criticizing a black American for being a dishonest, lawless hack would be racist. Even if he really is a dishonest, lawless hack.



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