French Minister -- No Relation to Strauss-Kahn -- Caught in Twitter Faux-Pas

Irony strikes again!  Eric Besson, France’s Minister of Industry, whose official portfolio includes overseeing the government’s digital economic strategy — presumably because he’s considered something of a techie — was hoist on his own petard by accidentally hitting  Twitter’s Tweet button when he says he intended to send the message only to his second wife, the 24-year-old Yasmine Tordjman, pictured here, with her then husband-to-be before he married her when she was 22 and he 51:


His Tweet to his bride of two years read:

“When I get home I’m going to bed, exhausted. With you?”

Instead of going to solely to his beloved, it was instantly sent to his 14,000 Twitter followers who re-Tweeted the suggestive sweet nothing to their Twitter-followers, leading many to wonder for whom it was, in fact, intended, according to a news story this afternoon in The Telegraph.  It was only up for ten minutes, but in the land of l’amour that was sufficient for it to go viral.

Unlike a certain American Tweeter, a former Democratic congressman from New York, there was no accompanying photograph.

But this was not the Minister’s first brush with undesired notoriety.  In order to marry the lovely Mademoiselle Yasmine Tordjman, he did have to deal with the peskiness of a divorce from his first wife, Sylvie Brunel, then 49, and the mother of his three children, whom he married when he was 25 and she 23.  An economist and a specialist on famine and economic development in the Third World, she is shown, post-divorce, below:


She smiled all the way to the bank with her best-selling, avenging advice book, Guerrilla Warfare: A Guide for Wives.


My advice to the new Madame Besson?  Watch out in about 27 years when you’re 51. He’ll be 80 and ready for his next 23- year-old.  Meanwhile, make sure his Tweets are just for you.


Photo of Eric Besson and Yasmine Tordjman © by Rex Features








































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