By George (Soros): Think Progress blames tornado outbreak on southern GOP voters

Apparently it’s not just Barack Obama who doesn’t care about southern people. With the death toll around three hundred from a tornado outbreak that spanned an area from eastern Texas to Virginia, the Soros funded bloggers at Think Progress are placing the blame squarely on the victims (via Datechguy):


The congressional delegations of these states — Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia, and Kentucky — overwhelmingly voted to reject the science that polluting the climate is dangerous. They are deliberately ignoring the warnings from scientists.

Disgusting, and yet revealing. These people are reveling in the misfortune of their countrymen. What the congressional delegations of those states actually rejected was cap and trade, the left’s latest scam on the American taxpayer and industrial base. But never mind that.

It’s not just the “Think” Progress bloggers who are hating on the dead. From commenter FactsLeanLeft:

Well, those global climate-change deniers are losing voters by the hundreds.

That comment has 13 likes. From commenter JustADumbFireman:

Mother Nature’s plan to deal with the two-legged cockroaches has begun to be implemented.

That one gets 11 likes. And 10 of that blog’s readers liked this comment:

I’m sure those states had the highest box office receipts for atlas shrugged time to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps Dixie.


Classy. And it gets 10 likes. The leftists who infest that site really do seem to think that the GOP hicks asked for the tornadoes to come along and kill them.

So when the Big One finally strikes California, can we blame the people who keep electing Nancy Pelosi and recycling Jerry Brown…?

More: Stixblog is disgusted with the followers of Manbearpig. Jammie Wearing Fool finds another TP post with a similar theme, and Slublog weighs in at Hot Air.

Update: In the interests of truth, no, “climate change” didn’t have a thing to do with the tornado outbreak. As everyone with a clue already knew.


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