TPM’s first complaint about transparency in 797 days

The ever-fictional Talking Points Memo complains that their newsboy Ryan Reilly wasn’t allowed into the True the Vote Summit covered extensively by Pajamas Media.  Never mind that this particular reporter has a long history of inaccurate reporting, going back years.  Ryan Reilly attempted to con his way into the event by telling the organizers at the desk he was registered.  He knew he was not.  Reilly had been warned before he blew someone else’s money that he would not be admitted absent a registration, which he did not have.  So he tried to trick his way in by professing to be registered at the registration desk.  These are not the tactics of legitimate news gatherers.  TPM says they will report on the True the Vote Summit shortly.  I wonder what the response would be if Pajamas attempted to cover the discussions of left wing operations like “Election Protection” when they trained poll workers for their semi-annual nationwide operations?  It simply wouldn’t happen.  So when you see TPM bemoaning the fact that Reilly wasn’t admitted to an event, ask the question why Election Protection or their Democratic allied groups don’t provide any transparency whatsoever.  I’m sure Ryan Reilly will be right on the story.



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