Burrito price hike leads to shootout

Not the Onion: It’s reality in San Antonio. Thankfully no one was hurt.

The price of the Beefy Crunch Burrito had gone up from 99 cents to $1.49 and the man at the Rigsby Road Taco Bell drive-thru had just ordered seven.

The fast food customer was so disgruntled by the price hike he shot an air gun at the manager, displayed a semiautomatic assault rifle and pistol while in the restaurant’s parking lot, fled as police were called, exchanged shots with three officers who pulled him over, then barricaded himself in his hotel room — all over $3.50 plus additional tax.


That’s clearly an unjustified use of force: Less than five bucks, and a burrito that, to be honest, doesn’t even look good. Yes, those are Flamin’ Hot Fritos sticking out of the end, edging the beast a little too close to WMD territory.

The customer’s anger over the $3.50 price increase will end up costing him — who contrary to the maxim on customer service, wasn’t right in the least — a whole lot more than $3.50. But this is Obama’s economy. The price of everything is skyrocketing.


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