
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 234: PJM's Robert Spencer on the Lingering Mess in the Middle East

Townhall Media

(Reminder: New episodes are on the podcast page, but I’ll still do promos here.)

It's been a busy week here in PJ Media Podcast Land for me, and I finally got around to firing up the franchise again. 

President Trump and his administration have been given the monumental task of cleaning up four years' worth of domestic and international problems created by the shambles-oriented cabal that ran Joe Biden's brain. On the global front, the situation in the Middle East is a completely chaotic nightmare, despite Trump having brought peace to the region during his first term. 


I've had a lot of questions about the Middle East bouncing around in my head for a while now. Fortunately, we have an in-house expert here at the PJ Media ranch — my colleague Robert Spencer. This is Robert's second time on the Kabana, and I hope to have him back a lot more frequently. 

Robert is a prolific author, and his latest book "Antisemitism: History & Myth" was just published earlier this week. 

It was a great conversation and I can't wait for the next one. Enjoy!

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