Persistence is generally viewed as something to be admired. We hold it up as an ideal to our children and invoke it for a little push when obstacles pop up in our pursuit of goals, no matter how large or small.
Bad habits are the flip side of idealistic persistence. Doing the same thing over and over with negative results is thought of as folly or, quite often, sheer stupidity. Nobody is handing out medals to the guy who keeps falling into the same uncovered manhole on his daily walk. He gets nothing but derision or pity, depending on who's responding to him.
The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media are almost always on the wrong side of persistence. Driven by animalistic hatred for President Trump, they keep falling into that manhole multiple times every day. They're not doing it blindly, either — people like me keep warning the idiots that they're about to faceplant again. They never hear the warnings because they're too busy soiling their diapers and screaming "ORANGE MAN BAD!" all of their waking hours.
Let's set up this particular faceplant. This is from The New York Post:
After President Donald Trump became the first sitting president to attend a Super Bowl when he watched the Eagles wallop the Chiefs in February, Philadelphia will now return the gesture as the team has accepted the White House’s invitation for a visit.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Monday afternoon that both the White House and the team are working out the details but that the visit is in the works.
Nothing surprising there unless you're a part of the insane leftist narrative machine. Here was my response when I saw the news on X:
A reminder that the Trump-hating leftmedia hacks spent several days running with a story about the Eagles refusing to attend, despite the fact that it was never a thing.
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) March 11, 2025
X is my main news feed on work days. I get a good chunk of my sports news (I'm a junkie) from the site too. Trust me, it was awash in leftist joy for a few days when they were all delighting in the fact that the Eagles wouldn't be accepting the invitation to the White House. There was just one small problem with the story, of course, and that was the fact that the Eagles' press office never said anything of the sort.
This particular false narrative picked up steam because the Eagles did refuse the invitation when they won the Super Bowl in 2018. What everyone in the Democratic Party and their media lapdogs continue to fail to understand, however, is that now is not then. Most of the country has moved on from the rancor of Trump's first term. Only the Coastal Media Bubble™ torturers of truth and the ever-shrinking brain-dead hordes who believe them don't get it.
President Trump is popular now. He got a huge ovation at the Super Bowl. There are only four players on this Eagles team who were part of the embarrassing tantrum in 2018. We're having a good time, you morons.
The Trump 47 era is only seven weeks old, and the number of times that the MSM freaks have been proven wrong about the president and the administration has to be — I'll be conservative here — in the thousands. Big issues, small issues, nonissues... they aren't getting any of it right. The standard modus operandi thus far is to be repeatedly wrong about an issue, then come around as if nothing had ever happened.
Trump is almost certainly going to keep hitting them out of the park for a while. Maybe, just maybe, the MSM hacks will stop saying that he struck out.
Kidding, they're hopeless.
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