
'Unwoke' With Kevin and Kruiser: Hamas Keeps Begging to Be Annihilated

Townhall Media

(New “Unwoke” episodes are posted on the podcast page every week.)

It took us a while, but Kevin and I finally got around to recording the first episode of 2025 at the end of February. We've both been very busy, and Kevin was knocked out by the demon flu that so many people have been getting this year. 

I'm fine, thank you.

Anyway, we both had some things that we wanted to share about our hopes for the demise of the poor Gazans Hamas. A demise that we hope comes sooner rather than later. 


It was fun hopping atop Brokeback the Magic Mescaline Pony again; he gets rather restless when we don't record. And we still have a lot of Diddy baby oil to use up. 

We've also rebranded one of our classic weekly segments thanks to the fact that we have been unburdened by what has been. I've got a new grill, so we are definitely doing a Man Meat episode soon. 

It is so good to be back, especially now that we're all in much, much better moods. Let's keep knocking on wood that things stay that way. 


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