
Kruiser's 'BTB' — Maybe I Live in Blue Cities Just So I Can Irritate People

Townhall Media

People often ask me — especially these days — why I keep living in places where I'm always out of sync with the politics of my neighbors. I'm a lifelong conservative who has spent decades in blue states and cities. 

Everything is an upriver swim for me. 


I was thinking about this while out for a walk and decided I'd explore it in a quick video with you, my dear VIP friends. 

One thing I didn't get to in the video (it was late and I still had a lot of work to do) is the fact that I don't lead with politics when making regular life decisions, minor or major. I know that a lot of people do, but the mere thought of living like that seems exhausting to me. If I ever start doing that, I've left detailed instructions with friends and family to get me into electroshock therapy ASAP.

I also offer my views on what the post-election landscape will look like here in the Republic. 

You might want to have a cocktail on hand for that. 


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